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Avis de Report de la date limite de dépot des offres relatives à la Manifestation d'intérêt pour la sélection des intermédoaires financiers dans le cadre de l'opérationnalisation de l'Initiative WAICSA

Date : 29 Août 2020 - 16 Oct 2020
Lieu : Lomé, Togo,
Ville : Lomé
Pays : Togo

To enable more commercial Banks and microfinance institutions to participate in the Expression of Interest ( for the selection of financial intermediaries, ECOWAS bank for Investment and Development (EBID) is informing bidders that the deadline for submission of bids initially set at Monday 31 August 2020 has been extended to Friday 16 October 2020 at 17.00 hours GMT at the latest. 

Link of publication of the Expression of Interest on the website of RAAF :…

Financial intermediaries may send requests for additional information to the following e-mail address :, before the closing date with the subject « request for additional information » 

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