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Press Release on Guinee Bissau
  1. The ECOWAS Ministerial Follow-up Committee for Guinea Bissau visited Bissau on Thursday 30 January 2020. The mission was led by NIger Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration and Nigeriens Abroad, H. E. Kalla Ankourao, Chair of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers.


  1. The mission also comprised:


  • E. Naby Youssouf Kiridi Bangoura, Senior Minister, Secretary General in the Office of the President of the Republic of Guinea, Representative of Prof. Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea, and ECOWAS Mediator for Guinea Bissau, and


  • E. Jean-Claude Kassi Brouu, President of the ECOWAS Commission.


  1. The objective of the mission was to assess the political situation in the country following the announcement of the results of the presidential run-off election, which took place on 29 December 2019.


  1. In this connection, the ministerial committee successively met:


  • the Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau, H. E. Aristides Gomes,
  • the Chairman of the National Electoral Commission, Mr José Pedro Sambu, and
  • the President of the Supreme Court, Mr Paulo Sanha.


  1. At the end of discussions with these public officials, the ministerial committee noted that the presidential run-off election of 29 December 2019 took place under normal and satisfactory conditions, as indicated by international election observation missions, including ECOWAS.


  1. Further to the announcement of the results by the National Electoral Commission, the ministerial committee noted that appeals were filed with the Supreme Court. After hearing the appeals, the Supreme Court directed the National Electoral Commission to address the issues raised.


  1. The ministerial committee urges the National Electoral Commission and the Supreme Court to work constructively together in order to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process, a prerequisite and guarantee for peace and stability in the country.


  1. The ministerial committee commends the National Electoral Commission for the conduct of the presidential elections, with the first round and run-off held on 24 November 2019 and 29 December 2019 respectively, in accordance with the Electoral Law. The ministerial committee takes note of the fact that the National Electoral Commission stated that it had completed its election management process with the publication of the final results on 17 January 2020.


  1. The ministerial committee is equally grateful to the Supreme Court and notes that the Supreme Court has requested clarifications and additional information regarding some stages of the electoral process.


  1. Consequently, and in order to reach a solution that safeguards the interests of Guinea Bissau and quickly leads to the completion of the electoral cycle to ensure institutional and political normalisation in the country, the committee recommends, on an exceptional basis, that:


  • the National Electoral Commission should carry out a nationwide verification of data obtained from Regional Commissions during the run-off election;


  • the verification should be conducted under the aegis of ECOWAS in the presence of representatives of the two candidates. A report would be prepared at the end of the process, which is expected to be carried out no later than 7 February 2020.


  1. Furthermore, the ministerial committee expressly calls on the different stakeholders to act in this respect and encourage their supporters to work actively for the preservation of peace and stability in the country.


  1. The ministerial committee issues a warning to those who would act to the contrary and accordingly recalls the efforts being made to restore stability in Guinea Bissau.


  1. The ministerial committee strongly condemns the unsavoury remarks against some Heads of State and Government who are working for stability in the country.


  1. The ministerial committee reiterates ECOWAS’ commitment to support Guinea Bissau to enable it consolidate democracy and promote peace on the one hand, and on the other hand, implement its socio-economic development priorities.


  1. Lastly, the ECOWAS Ministerial Follow-up Committee for Guinea Bissau expresses deep gratitude to the Government and people of Guinea Bissau for the hospitality and facilities extended to it during its stay in Guinea Bissau.

Bissau, 30 January 2020

H.E. Mr Kalla Ankourao

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration and Nigeriens Abroad

H.E. Mr Naby Youssouf Kiridi Bangoura

Senior Minister, Secretary General in the Office of the President of the Republic of Guinea, Representative of the ECOWAS Mediator for Guinea Bissau, H.E. Prof. Alpha Condé

H.E. Mr Jean-Claude Kassi Brou

President of ECOWAS Commission

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