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Request for Proposals: Consultancy services for assessment and production of documentary on ECOW-GEN’s results in the member countries

Date : 27 Feb 2019 - 16 Apr 2019
Institution : ECREEE – CAPE VERDE
Contact : ECOW-GEN Programme Coordinator:

Request for Proposals: Consultancy services for assessment and production of documentary on ECOW-GEN’s results in the member countries



Deadline for proposal submission: 16 April 2019

Procurement ID: ECW/ECOWGEN/001/2019

In 2013 ECREEE created a flagship programme entitled: ECOWAS Programme on Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access (ECOW-GEN). After a pilot period, ECOW-GEN began implementation of its first operational cycle, 2015 -2019.

Over the years, the programme has worked to be recognized as the regional flagbearer for social inclusion and gender equality in energy development in West Africa. In line with this, ECOW-GEN produced the ECOWAS Policy for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access and the ECOWAS Directive on Gender Assessments in Energy Projects with the support of various partners. Furthermore, through a US$ 1 million grant from the African Development Bank (AfDB), ECREEE is creating a clean energy market driven by women-led businesses, through a project on Feasibility Study on Business Opportunities for Women in a Changing Energy Value Chain in West Africa.

ECREEE is therefore launching this RfP to assess and produce a video documentary on the achievements and effects of the programme, as well as the potential long-term impact that can be expected. The key products from the assignment include an evaluation report and a video documentary.

The required expertise of the consulting firm (or consortium) include: Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E), energy access, gender mainstreaming, videography.


For further information please contact the ECOW-GEN Programme Coordinator:


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