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 Recruitment Of An Expert To Provide Support For The Conduct Of Mutual Evaluations Of Giaba Member States Under The Second Round Of Mutual Evaluations 

Date : 02 Mar 2021 - 31 Mar 2021
Venue : GIABA,
Town : Dakar
Country : Senegal

Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa

 Recruitment Of An Expert To Provide Support For The Conduct Of Mutual Evaluations Of Giaba Member States Under The Second Round Of Mutual Evaluations 

ENG -OCWAR-M-GIABA_ Recruitment of M E E-P3_Final R




The Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA), with its Secretariat located in Dakar, Senegal, ( is a specialised institution of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). GIABA is also a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Style Regional Body (FSRB), committed to the implementation of the FATF Recommendations on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism and proliferation (AML/CFT/CPF). GIABA has 17 Members, comprising 15 ECOWAS member States, as well the Union of the Comoros and the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe. In addition, GIABA has observers drawn from the FATF membership, GIABA member States, other African countries, and some regional and international organisations.


The objectives of GIABA include to: (i) Protect the national economies and the financial and banking systems of Member States against abuse, and the laundering of proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism; (ii) Improve measures and intensify efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing in West Africa; and (iii) Strengthen co-operation amongst its members.


GIABA is also mandated to coordinate the provision of AML/CFT technical assistance to ECOWAS member States. Thus, its core functions include support to member States to enact and upgrade legislation against money laundering and financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; undertake mutual evaluations of its members based on the FATF Recommendations and the Methodology for Assessing Technical Compliance and the Effectiveness of AML/CFT Systems (Methodology); undertake typologies exercises and other research studies on money laundering and financing of terrorism to understand the ML/TF/PF risk, trends and methods; support the establishment and maintenance of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and strengthening of other national AML/CFT/CPF competent authorities; promote strategic partnership with professional and civil society organisations; and promote and deepen regional and international cooperation.


VISION:  GIABA is committed to be a leader in promoting a regional alliance against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.


MISSION STATEMENT:  To promote concerted actions in the design and diligent implementation of harmonized AML/CFT regimes in West Africa, consistent with international standards.


CORE VALUES: Integrity Professionalism Teamwork Respect for Diversity Transparency Accountability





INSTITUTION:                   GIABA

GRADE:                                P3 EQUIVALENT (ECOWAS SALARY SCALE)           

ANNUAL SALARY:           USD 50395 – USD 53418


DIVISION                             LEGAL & LAW ENFORCEMENT UNIT


DURATION:                        ONE (1) YEAR, RENEWABLE SIX MONTHS



CLOSING DATE:                31st March 2021


GIABA is on its second round of mutual evaluations to assess the compliance of its member States with the FATF Recommendations (2012), using the Methodology for Assessing Technical Compliance and the Effectiveness of AML/CFT Systems (2013), and guided by the GIABA Mutual Evaluation Process and Procedures, as amended from time to time.


The scope of the evaluations involve two inter-related components – technical compliance and effectiveness. The technical compliance component assesses whether the necessary laws, regulations or other required measures are in force and effect, and whether the supporting Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) institutional framework is in place. The effectiveness component assesses whether an AML/CFT system is working optimally based on the risk environment, and the extent to which the country is achieving the defined set of outcomes.


In order to intensify its efforts to complete the mutual evaluation process in line with the general principles and objectives governing mutual evaluations conducted by the AML/CFT Global Network under the leadership of the FATF, GIABA is to recruit a Mutual Evaluation Expert (MEE) to assist the GIABA Secretariat to achieve its objectives in relation to mutual evaluations. Countries to be covered are the 15 ECOWAS member States




The MEE will work closely with the Director of Evaluation and Compliance and relevant staff of the GIABA Secretariat involved in conducting mutual evaluations.




As member of the team of GIABA secretariat, the Mutual Evaluation Expert shall perform the following duties:


  1. Support GIABA countries (ECOWAS countries only) in the planning and conduct of mutual evaluation as may be required;
  2. Participate in on-site mutual evaluations;
  3. Support members of the evaluation team in their work before, during and after onsite visit;
  4. Draft mutual evaluation reports;
  5. Review GIABA member States mutual evaluation reports to ensure quality and consistency;
  6. Prepare relevant documents for the GIABA plenary meetings and its working groups;
  7. Develop and present papers on AML/CFT, especially relevant to mutual Evaluation
  8. Review Follow-Up Reports of member States in line with the GIABA P&P
  9. Support the drafting of laws, regulations and other enforceable means for GIABA member States;
  10. Review laws, regulations and other enforceable means of GIABA member States and advise on how they can be improved upon;
  11. Review mutual evaluation reports of other assessment bodies and highlighting implications of the reports for GIABA member States from time to time;
  12. Review FATF documents and advise on their implications for improving mutual Evaluation and conforming with the High Level Principles of the Global Network;
  13. Establish and maintain a database of AML/CFT legal and regulatory frameworks of GIABA member States, with IT support; and
  14. Perform any task that may be assigned from time to time, especially in relation to improving the conduct of mutual evaluations in GIABA member States.

General Conditions

Mutual evaluation is governed by a set of global standards developed by the FATF, which GIABA has subscribed to.  The prospective candidate is required to respect and regard the FATF global standard for conducting and managing mutual evaluations. In particular, the process requires the following –

  1. Openness – the process must be conducted with transparency, objectivity and fairness;
  2. Equality – All countries are to be treated equally in line with the standards and afforded level playing field;
  3. Accuracy of information – Information gathered and provided must be factual, accurate and reflective of the situation being described;
  4. Consistency – Information provided in a mutual evaluation report should be consistent with all other parts of the report;
  5. Fair hearing – Countries MUST be heard through an effective means of communication;
  6. Timeliness – An evaluation must be timely in line with the approved GIABA P&P;
  7. Professionalism – Mutual evaluation must be handled in a professional manner;
  8. Regard for the Standard – the FATF standard is the principal reference point for the evaluation. Any inconsistency has to be resolved in favour of the standards.
  9. Coordination and collaboration – Mutual evaluations are conducted as a Team Work. Intensive collaboration is required.
  10. Efficiency – Any one conducting and/or managing evaluation must be conscious of resources, especially time management.
  11. Tenacity – Conducting mutual evaluation require tenacity because the process is tough.





Education: A Bachelor’s degree; Management, Criminology, Law, Public Policy, the Social Sciences or any relevant other related fields of study.


Experience: The prospective candidate must have conducted a minimum of 3 mutual evaluations using the FATF Recommendations (2012) and Methodology (2013).  He/she must have been working in the AML/CFT field for at least 10 years.  A good knowledge of the civil and common law systems and methods will be an added advantage.  A good working experience in GIABA member States will also be an added advantage.




  • Good knowledge of or familiarity with measures against economic and financial crimes, including money laundering and terrorist financing, particularly the FATF Recommendations and related matters;
  • Proven team work experience and decision-making skills that produced needed results, including selective use of innovations to deal with challenges and opportunities;
  • Proven ability to advise on and effectively manage the drafting of MERs;
  • Excellent writing and oral communication skills;
  • Ability to defend and explain difficult issues with respect to conclusions on technical compliance and effectiveness;
  • Effective interpersonal skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a complex multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to maintain effective work relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Sensitivity to and respect for diversity;
  • Excellent computer skills;
  • Observable sense of justice and self-control in the face of any challenge;



Applicants must be fluent in one of the official languages of ECOWAS: English, French and Portuguese. A working knowledge of another would be an advantage.




Prospective candidates are required to submit the following along with their written applications –

  • A brief note of not more than 2 pages outlining their motivation for applying for this position.
  • A full Curriculum Vitae, containing full employment history, showing the more significant positions, responsibilities held, and significant achievements are relevant to this position.


Interested candidates are required to forward their written applications to: .


All applicants will receive an automatic notification that their application has been received. If this notification does not appear by return, please, send an email to in order to get confirmation.


At the same time, all applicants have to send the copy of their application to:


Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview by VTC.




The closing deadline for applications is of 00 h00 GMT, on 31st March 2021.


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