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Recruitment of a consultant firm to provide quality assurance support to the ECOWAS Commission in the construction of its new Headquarters building in Abuja

Date : 26 Feb 2019 - 25 Mar 2019
Institution : ECOWAS Commission
Contact :


From              : 26/02/2019

To                   :  25/03/2019

Client             : ECOWAS Commission

Type               : Expression of Interest (EOI)


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) represented by the ECOWAS Commission intends to recruit a consultant firm to assist in the construction of a new ultramodern Headquarters for the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja, Nigeria. The Headquarters Building is being constructed by a Contractor recruited by the Government of China, financiers of the Project. The ECOWAS Commission and China have executed an Agreement to cover the Project.

  1. The main objective of the assignment is to assist in the review of architectural and engineering designs for the New Headquarters Building for the Commission and undertake quality assurance/supervisory work of the construction works process to ensure value for money.
  2. Duties and responsibilities of the consultant firm:

3.1. Before construction:

  • Participate in all stages of validation of designs/studies carried out by the Chinese design Consultant
  • Participate in the validation of the site’s environmental impact assessment
  • Participate in the validation of any additional studies to be carried out by ECOWAS, in particular the installation of the electrical transformer station, connection to water mains and access road construction.
  • Participate in pre-award processes as may be deemed necessary
  • Review the number and quality of personnel handling the running of the information system with a view to determining the adequacy vis-à-vis the quantum of responsibility entrusted;


3.2. During construction:

The Consultant firm shall monitor the execution of the works according to the Technical Specification, Design drawings and Conditions of Contract. The consultant shall also carryout the following activities:

–     Represent the project owner on site.

–     Coordinate the clearing of the site in coordination with the Chinese project management firm as agreed in the implementation Agreement

–     Coordinate and monitor all work for which ECOWAS is responsible for (e.g. connecting road, water and fiber to main networks, electrical transformer substation installation, etc.)

–     Monitor daily, on a task by task basis, all activities planned by the Chinese Contractor, in conjunction with the Chinese project management firm, to ascertain delays and inconsistencies that may be observed on the schedule.

–     In-depth monthly review of the planning to enable the necessary adjustments to be made to the general planning to forestall cost and time overruns

–     Verification of the adequacy of the methodologies presented at the agreed technical specifications

–     Verification of the consistency of the financial planning with the financial schedule

–     Organize all documents associated with works supervision in accordance with professional standards;

–     Monitor compliance with quantities specified in the Bills of Quantities;

–     Ensure the quality of the materials used for the works to assure value for money. In this regard, liaise with the appropriate laboratories to prepare samples for testing. The Consultant will actively participate in the preparation of test reports.

–     Where quality problems are identified, inform ECOWAS and propose appropriate solutions;

–     Submit opinions on all samples for the finishing of the works (carpentry, glazing, painting, tiling, false ceilings, etc.) to help ECOWAS make a choice

–     Monitor and ensure adherence to and the implementation of the site’s environmental management plan

–     Facilitate and participate weekly site meetings and monthly coordination meetings

–     Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports, any specific reports required and a project completion report

–     Organize the various site visits of the authorities

–     In consultation with the ECOWAS Head of Security, ensure the adequacy of security at the site;

–     In conjunction with the Chinese project management firm, ensure that the Chinese construction contractor and all its subcontractors recruit local workers and assist in resolving labour issues that may arise in accordance with National Lays

–     Ensure compliance with the safety measures to be observed by staff (mandatory wearing of PPE)

–     Monitor all the components of the site activities to identify any problems that may hinder the smooth running of the work;

–     Monitor and ensure training for future maintenance of ECOWAS field staff

–     Participate in provisional acceptance of work


PS: The Consultant shall only be mobilized for the assignments in section 3.2 above, upon the successful recruitment and deployment of the Works Contract by the Chinese Government.

  1. The overall duration of the assignment is 30 months, including 6 months for the first phase (Study) and 24 months for the second phase (during the works).


  1. The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible Consultants (firm) to indicate their interests in providing these services. Interested, eligible and qualified consulting firms must provide full information on their qualifications and experience, demonstrating that they are qualified and experienced in providing similar services. The criteria for shortlisting are as follows: (a) general experience in carrying out studies and supervision of Infrastructure projects over the past ten (10) years; (b) specific experience in design of complex office buildings or commercial complexes of similar nature conducted over the past ten (10) years; (c) specific experience in supervising the construction of office buildings of similar nature conducted over the past ten (10) years; (d) experience in supervising World Bank or African Development Bank funded Building construction project in sub-Saharan Africa would be an added advantage; (e) availability of key staff (list, qualifications, and experience); (f) logistic resources and equipment; (g) IT resources (specialized equipment and software) and (h) ability to report in both English and French languages;

NB: In addressing the above listed criteria, consulting firms must provide tangible evidence and detailed references for all claims made in terms of experience and capabilities, similar assignments, etc. Each reference provided should be summarized on a project sheet, and will be considered and accepted only if the candidate attaches supporting documents indicating the contact information of the contracting authorities so as to facilitate verification of the information provided, covering copies of attestation(s) of good performance of each contract presented, as issued and signed by the Client.

  1. Interested Consulting firms may apply as a consortium or partnership to ensure and/or boost their consolidated capacities to execute the assignment.


7.The eligibility criteria, the preparation of shortlist, and the selection procedure shall comply with the ECOWAS Rules and Procedures for the Use of Consultants” (ECOWAS Procurement Code), available on its website: .The procedure will be based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) and a shortlist of six (6) firms, which present the best profiles with all claims dully substantiated, shall be drawn up for further consideration after the expression of interest. Also, firms that are part of an international network are to submit only one expression of interest as a network. Please note that the selected consultant firm will be expected to submit all required reports in English or French.

  1. Interested consultant firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am (GMT+1) to 5.00 pm (GMT+1):


The Procurement Division, Directorate of General Administration, ECOWAS Commission,

Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja, Nigeria or by E-mail to the following addresses:, with copy to;;;


NB: The attention of interested Consulting firms is particularly drawn to Article 118 of the ECOWAS Revised Procurement Code (“Infringements by Candidates, Bidders and Awardees”), providing information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or executing a contract.  In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per “Article 119 of the ECOWAS Revised Procurement Code.

  1. Expression of Interest (1 original and 3 copies) must be delivered in sealed envelopes and clearly marked “RECRUITMENT OF A CONSULTANT FIRM TO ASSIST THE ECOWAS COMMISSION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ITS NEW HEADQUARTERS IN ABUJA, Do not open except in the presence of the Tender Committee” to the address below latest by Monday March 25, 2019 at 11.00 am (GMT+1).


The ECOWAS Tender Box is located in the Directorate of General Administration, Procurement Division, 1st Floor ECOWAS Commission, 101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria.


  1. Please note that electronic submissions are not accepted and will not be evaluated.


  1. This EOI is also published on the ECOWAS website




Commissioner, General Administration & Conference

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