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Public Survey Stage Standard Harmonisation In The ECOWAS Region – ECOSHAM

Date : 23 Jun 2016 - 19 Aug 2016
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria

By Regulation C/REG.14/12/12 adopting ECOWAS Standard Harmonisation Procedures, the ECOWAS Council of Ministers adopted the Standard Harmonisation of the ECOWAS region (ECOSHAM).

ECOSHAM is based on the African model (ASHAM), and complies with relevant ISO/IEC Directives. It also takes due account of WTO Agreements on TBT.

In that regard, the following international principles guide the ECOSHAM process:

  • Non-discrimination,
  • Transparency
  • Impartiality and Consensus,
  • Hierarchy,
  • Effectiveness and Relevance,
  • Consistency

The technical standard harmonisation process is led by National Standard Organisations (NSOs) of our fifteen Member States through six Technical Harmonisation Committees (THCs) and a Technical Management Committee (TMC) comprising fifteen NSO Heads.

The standard harmonisation process involves the eight stages below:

  1. Preliminary Stage
  2. Proposition Stage
  3. Preparatory Stage
  4. Committee Stage
  5. Public Survey Stage
  6. Consultation Stage
  7. Approval/Certfication Stage
  8. Publication Stage

The purpose of the Public Survey Stage is to collect, from the largest audience possible, comments, opinions and remarks on the draft standard to be harmonised.

In this respect, it is deemed appropriate to use the Commission’s website.

We therefore would like you to send us, during the public survey stage, your comments,  opinions and remarks on the attached draft standards. A printed copy (herewith enclosed) is also requested. Once the form is filled, please send it via email to the Secretariat of the Technical Harmonisation Committee (THC) spearheading the processus whose address is also given here.

Consequently, in addition to the actions undertaken by each of the fifteen ECOWAS National Standard Organisations, we intend to reach the largest audience possible.

The  Public Survey opened here focuses on the following three draft standards of the Technical Committee 4 (THC4) Construction Materials:

  1. Reinforced Concrete – Weldable Stainless Steel Plain
  2. Reinforced Concrete – Non-weldable Bars and Steel Wire Rod
  3. Reinforced Concrete –FeE500 Non-weldable ribbed Bars and Coils: Mesh

Comments,  opinions and remarks should be transcribed on the forms atatched and sent before 19 August 2016 to the following address:


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