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Hiring a Consulting Firm for the Mid-term Evaluation of the DEMSAN Project

Date : 14 Dec 2021
Venue : WAHO/OOAS,
Town : Bobodioulasso
Country : Burkina Faso







Reference No FM/TEND/AMI/DEMSAN/2021/22/bk

Hiring a Consulting Firm for the Mid-term Evaluation of the DEMSAN Project


The West African Health Organisation (WAHO) has received technical and financial support from the French Development Agency (AFD) for the implementation of the Regional Project for Demography, Sexual and Reproductive Health (DEMSAN) and intends to use part of the funds to finance the recruitment of a firm (consultant) for the mid-term evaluation of the DEMSAN Project.




The overall objective is to assess the level of achievement of the project objectives by component, collect and document best practices as well as lessons learnt while implementing the project.


More specifically, the consultancy aims to:


  • Assess the compliance of the project implementation with the provisions of the Financing Agreement;
  • Assess the level of achievement of results in relation to each component;
  • Assess the level of physical implementation of the project components;
  • Assess the levels of achievement of the project indicators;
  • Review the project implementation mechanism and process;
  • Identify difficulties and shortcomings observed during the implementation of the project;
  • Document lessons learned and best practices during project implementation.
  • Propose recommendations with a view to improving the effectiveness and visibility (communication) of project implementation;
  • Present the report in French and in one other language of the community.



The assignment will last a maximum of two decimal five (2.5) months or 45 working days from the date the contract is signed.




Interested persons are invited to apply. Interested parties must provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.


They submission for an expression of interest shall include:


  • A duly signed letter of expression of interest,
  • A copy of the certificate of incorporation,
  • a brochure presenting the firm and its organisational chart,
  • a list of permanent and non-permanent staff, specifying their full names, level of education and professional experience
  • A list of the most important achievements in the field of intervention over the last five years (with at least copies of certificates of successful completion or any other evidence deemed acceptable).
  • If the consulting firm is incorporated as a consortium: a copy of the consortium agreement concluded by all its members or a letter of intent to form a consortium should their proposal be selected, signed by all its members and accompanied by a draft indicative content for the proposed consortium agreement.
  • AFD’s declaration of integrity, eligibility and environmental and social responsibility, as set out in the annex to the “Guidelines for Procurement financed by AFD in Foreign Countries” available on the AFD website, signed by a duly authorised representative of the applicant (proof of the signatory’s authorisation must be provided).



The mission will be conducted by a consultant (firm), in good standing with the administration of the country of its head office, with proven experience in conducting evaluation missions of programmes and projects in the health sector.


The firm (consultant) must have a good organisation and knowledge in the field of communication and health.



The firm will be selected according to the Selection Based on Consultant Qualification (SCQ) method as described in the ECOWAS Tender Code in force.) Following the evaluation of the expressions of interest, the candidate ranked first will be invited to present its technical and financial proposals based on the ToR with a view to negotiating the contract.

The references of the firms will be scored according to the following criteria:

  • Experience in conducting project/programme evaluation assignments in general:

40 marks.

  • Experience in conducting project/programme evaluation assignments in the health sector:                                                               30 marks.
  • Experience in conducting project/programme evaluation assignments in the in the field of sexual and reproductive health:                                                                                                 20 marks.
  • Permanent staff (organisation and availability of knowledge among its staff) in the fields of sexual health, statistics or demography and maternal/adolescent/child health: 10 marks.


In the event of a tie, the consultant with more experience in evaluating projects/programmes in the sexual health sector will be given preference.




Interested consultants may also obtain additional information on reference materials from the address below and during work hours from Monday to Friday 08h00 to 16h00.  Madam Lalaissa AMOUKOU, Email:


They may also download the TOR or this call for EOI from WAHO website: or sur

Interested and suitably qualified consultants are invited to express their interest by submitting their application electronically to The deadline for receiving applications is January 13, 2022 at 12:00 GMT.

Neither WAHO nor AFD shall bear the cost of preparation and sending of the EOI by the Consultant.






Prof Stanley OKOLO Director General


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