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Request for Proposal – Consultancy Services for Developing the ECOWAS Programme on Energy and Migration

Date : 27 Feb 2019 - 08 Apr 2019
Institution : ECREEE – CAPE VERDE
Contact : ECREEE Resource Mobilisation and Program Development Officer:

Request for Proposal – Consultancy Services for Developing the ECOWAS Programme on Energy and Migration


Deadline for proposal submission: 8 April 2019

Procurement ID: ECW/RM/001/2019

With the objective of developing a regional programme on Energy and Migration, ECREEE is launching this Request for Proposals (RfP) to conduct a comprehensive study on the theme: ‘Strengthening Coherence, Coordination, and Cooperation on Resource Mobilization in Achieving SDG7 in ECOWAS’.

The study will cover progress and challenges on fundraising towards investment in closing the energy deficit in countries of the region. It will look at issues surrounding energy and development, such as how the energy crises aggravates and is aggravated by climate change, how this worsens irregular migration and impacts on gender. Furthermore, the assignment will consider what it would take to close the fundraising gap and how to track progress made at the regional and national level on resource mobilisation towards achieving SDG 7.

The key product of this consultancy is a study report and programme document on the ECOWAS Programme on Energy and Migration.

The required expertise include: resource mobilisation, finance, private sector development, energy, gender and climate change, energy and migration


For further information please contact the ECREEE Resource Mobilisation and Program Development Officer:


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