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Recruitment of an individual consultant for the review of the ECOWAS labour and employment policy and its strategic action plan

Date : 18 Feb 2019 - 11 Mar 2019
Institution : ECOWAS Commission
Contact :

EOI LABOUR POLICY (for download)

From : 18/02/2019; To : 11/03/2019
Type : Expressions of Interest

Title : recruitment of an individual consultant for the review of the ecowas labour and employment policy and its strategic action plan

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional grouping with 15 Member States in West Africa (three landlocked and one island) with a population of about 300million with an annual economic growth rate of around 6%. The ECOWAS Commission is one of the eight Regional Economic Communities supporting the African Union to coordinate the implementation of continental and regional integration and development programmes in the West African region.

2. In June 2009, the Council of Ministers adopted the ECOWAS Labour and Employment Policy (LEP) and its Strategic Action Plan at their sixty-second session. The overall objective of the policy is to develop, harmonize, coordinate and implement common policies to promote growth and development through decent work. It covers five areas of intervention: labour standards, employment, social protection, social dialogue and regional integration. The review the Labour and Employment Policy and its Strategic Action Plan will therefore serve as an opportunity to renew the interest and strengthen the collaborative agenda with ECOWAS Members States and partners on joint learning and actions, in order to address continued challenges in the area of labour and employment for furthering decent work and fair migration and for aligning the Labour and Employment policy with the AU Policy on employment.

3. Based on the foregoing, the ECOWAS Commission, in partnership with the African Union and the International Labour Organization (ILO) is therefore recruiting a consultant to lead discussions with key stakeholders and review the Labour and Employment Policy and its Strategic Action Plan to be validated by state members.

4. The overall objective of this consultancy is to review the ECOWAS Labour and Employment Policy and formulate a new Policy and Plan of Action, based on African Union frameworks and international standards. The consultancy also, aims at domesticating AU Policy frameworks on Employment in the ECOWAS region.

5. Duties and responsibilities of the Consultant as contained in the attached TORs:
Within the above context, the duties of the consultant will involve the following:
• Scoping mission to Abuja
• Assessment of status of implementation of the current Policy and its Plan of action;
• Review labour, employment and social protection policy frameworks in ECOWAS and AU, and ILO programmes
• Identify priority programmes and strategies for the new ECOWAS Labour and Employment Policy and its Plan of Action;
• Propose appropriate funding schemes blending domestic and foreign financing
• Organize consultative meetings with all the key stakeholders (AU, ILO, ECOWAS relevant directorates, Regional Employers and Workers organizations, etc.) to identify the Priority
• Programmes and Strategic Axes (with activities, outcomes, outputs and list of Indicators);
• Develop a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the implementation of the new Strategic
• Action Plan; taking into consideration the AU M & E framework
• Participate in the validation meeting organized by the African union
• Participate in Experts’/Ministerial meeting to validate and adopt the revised Policy and Strategic Plan of Action;
• Prepare hard and soft copies of reports of all activities implemented during the consultancy to the ECOWAS Commission;

6. The qualifications of the Consultant(s) should include, among others:

• Master’s Degree, preferably in Economics, law, Social Sciences or other
relevant fields;
• Experience: At least 10 years of proven experience on project management,
specifically in the area of Labour and Employment and monitoring and
evaluation mechanisms in the ECOWAS region and the African continent;
• Sound knowledge of the ECOWAS Labour and Employment Policy;
• Fluency in English or French or Portuguese;
• Excellent research, communication and writing skills

7. The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible Consultants (Individual) to indicate interests in providing these services. The interested Consultants must provide all information supporting their qualification to perform the assignment (Kindly attach detailed Curriculum Vitae that highlights the following: Curriculum and Certificates; Past Experiences of similar jobs over the past ten (10) years; Computer knowledge; knowledge of the area; language and any other information useful for the accomplishment of this project). Please note that if individual consultants are proposed by firms, only the experience and qualifications of the individuals shall be used in the selection process, their corporate experience shall not be taken into account, and the contract, if given, will be signed with the proposed individuals.

8. The selection will be done on the basis of a comparison of curricula vitae and the selected Consultant will be invited to produce Technical and Financial Proposals which will serve as the basis for negotiation for the conclusion of the Contract Agreement. (Selection method: Individual Consultant based on the Consultant’s Qualification). Please note that the selected consultant will be expected to submit all required reports in English or French or Portuguese.

9. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9: 00 a.m. (GMT+1) to 5 .00 p.m. (GMT+1). ECOWAS Commission, Directorate of General Administration, Procurement Division, 101,Yakubu Gowon Crescent Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria,
Email:, with copy to

10. Expressions of interest must be delivered in sealed envelopes and clearly marked: “RECRUITMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR THE REVIEW OF THE ECOWAS LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY AND ITS STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN”, do not open except in presence of the Tender Committee” to the address below by Monday, March 11, 2019 at 11.00 a.m (GMT+1).

11. The ECOWAS Tender Box is located in the Office of the Commissioner, General Administration & Conference, 5th Floor ECOWAS Commission, 101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria.

12. Please note that electronic submissions are not accepted and will not be evaluated.

13. This request for EOI can also be viewed on this website:

14. The Terms of Reference is attached and it contains the details for the assignment.

Vafolay Mbandoe TULAY
Commissioner, General Administration and Conference

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