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US Secretary of State delivers a Speech on US-Africa Policy to Nigerian Young Ent-repreneurs and the Media at the ECOWAS Commission

Abuja, Nigeria, November 18, 2021. The United States of America’s Secretary of State, Anthony J. Blinken, intimated the Nigerian youths, young entrepreneurs and Media on the strategy of the US-Africa policy, today, 19th November, 2021 at the main Hall of the ECOWAS Commission as part of the series of engagements to mark his two-day working visit to Nigeria as he continu-es his tour of Africa which began in Kenya and will conclude in Senegal.

Madam Finda E. Koroma, ECOWS Commission’s Vice President, in her introductory and welco-me address on behalf of H.E. Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo, Chair of the Authority of ECO-WAS Heads of State and Government and President of the Republic of Ghana and the President and the Management of the ECOWAS Commission, called the Secretary’s visit to the Commis-sion a confirmation of the shared belief that Regional Economic Communities (RECs) play very important roles in conflict resolution and maintenance of peace and security. Equally, they can play pivotal roles in the preservation of democracy and good governance, especially in up-holding human rights.

She further eulogized the Secretary’s long and sterling record of public service that com-menced at the State Department with over 30 years of experience and contribution in shaping the foreign policy of the United States of America. He served in the Obama Administration first as National Security Adviser to then Vice President Joe Biden and later on as Deputy Secretary of State from 2015 – 2017.

Mr. Anthony J. Blinken, in his speech, thanked, Vice President Koroma for the very kind intro-duction and for the leadership roles ECOWAS plays not just today, but every single day across the sub region. He praised ECOWAS, for the vital contributions across the region to economic integration, security, democracy, climate, health, and much more. He further acknowledged the strides made by Nigeria and Nigerians in promoting the nation’s culture through Afro beats music, writers, Nollywood, entrepreneurships, sports and Nigerian cuisines. “I know there’s a fierce rivalry among West African countries about who makes the best jollof – well, I’m a dip-lomat, so I’m going to steer very clear of that one”. He joked

The “Giant of Africa” is an apt nickname for Nigeria, because this country looms large. Your strengths are undeniable – a dynamic democracy, a robust economy, and a very powerful civil society. The challenges you face are undeniable as well – including the disruption and insecuri-ty caused by terrorism and armed groups he said, while calling for greater partnership.

The US knows that, on most of the urgent challenges and opportunities we face, Africa will make the difference. We can’t achieve our goals around the world – whether that’s ending the COVID-19 pandemic, building a strong and inclusive global economy, combating the climate crisis, or revitalizing democracy and defending human rights – without the leadership of Afri-can governments, institutions, and citizens, he added
He praised Institutions like the African Union, ECOWAS, SADC, IGAD for the larger roles they play in global issues and asked that they be given greater voices in global debates. The United States firmly believes that it’s time to stop treating Africa as a subject of geopolitics and start treating it as the major geopolitical player it has become, He said.

He called for more platforms to be created for the continent’s young people who are ener-gized, innovative, hungry for jobs and opportunities. It has been predicted that by 2025, more than half the population of Africa will be under age 25 and by the year 2050, one in four people on Earth will be African and Nigeria will surpass the United States as the third most populous country in the world. I believe that Africa will shape the future, not just the future of the African people but of the world. He said.

In terms of combating the Covid-19 pandemic, the US will work with African Countries to strengthen global health security, establish more laboratories and National Center for Disease Control to help prevent, detect, and respond to future emergencies and manufacturing of Vac-cines in South Africa and Senegal to begin with. The US has delivered 250 million doses world-wide with 50million going to 43 African Countries and by next spring, that number will be well over 1 billion donated dose which will significantly ramp up our vaccine manufacturing capaci-ty, to meet global need. With on strings attached he added.

In addressing the global climate crisis, Secretary Blinken emphasized the need to work togeth-er to reduce emissions and production of clean and efficient energy which will be resistant to climate change. He called for more efforts to be made in the expansion of access to clean, effi-cient and renewable energies which will reduce emissions and create opportunities for good-paying jobs.
He spoke about working with Nigeria to address security challenges, including those posed by Boko Haram, ISIS West Africa, and other terrorist and extremist groups. The United States is committed to helping Nigeria do that by continuing to invest in our security partnership and the institutions that strengthen the rule of law and that hold accountable those who commit human rights abuses, corruption, and other acts that harm the Nigerian people. He advocated for the use of new technologies to ensure democracies are strengthened and not undermine.

To resolve conflicts, we stand ready to support swift and sustained diplomacy with national leaders, regional organizations, international allies and partners, citizens – including women, who must always be at the table when peace is being negotiated and also with international institutions, including the United Nations, he added.

As a show of the US’ commitment to Africa, Nigeria signed a $2.1 billion development assis-tance agreement with the US, that supports collaboration in the fundamentals: health, educa-tion, agriculture, good governance. Later today, the Secretary will visit the “Innov8” start-up hub, to meet some of the inventors and founders who embody Nigeria’s entrepreneurial drive.

Let me end by saying this, the United States wants to strengthen its partnerships across Africa in ways that serves your interests, our interests, and the interests of people worldwide whose lives and futures depend in part on what we can achieve together. And as a sign of our com-mitment to our partnerships across the continent, President Biden intends to host the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to drive the kind of high-level diplomacy and engagement that can transform relationships and make effective cooperation possible.

The Secretary’s entourage included Hon. Molly Phee, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of African Affairs, H.E Mary Beth Leonard, United States Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Madam Dana Banks, Senior Director for Africa, Madam Gayle E. Smith, Coordinator for Global Covid Response and Health Security, other Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps and other partners of the U.S. Government in Nigeria.


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