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The Ivorian presidential election of 25 october 2015 was conducted in a calm and peaceful atmosphere
 _DSC8924The ECOWAS election observation mission for the Ivorian presidential election of 25 October 2015 considered that the election was free, transparent and organised in an acceptable manner.


In a preliminary statement read by General Francis Béhanzin, long-term ECOWAS observer, on behalf of the mission head, former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo, at a press conference on Monday 26 October 2015 in Abidjan, the mission did not observe any major irregularities which may affect the integrity of the electoral process, except for some shortcomings recorded here and there.


The shortcomings were caused, among other things, by late start of voting due to lack of electoral material, absence of chairs and members of the Independent Electoral Commission at polling stations as well as low presence of representatives of certain candidates.


The mission also noted difficulties encountered by electoral officers in the use of biometric card readers and the non-recognition of voters’ fingerprints by card readers. This notwithstanding, Mr. Béhanzin stated that the situation improved towards the end of voting, mainly because of reversal to the use of manual register.


The mission further welcomed the transparency and consensus observed during counting, collation and announcement of partial results at polling stations, in the presence of representatives of candidates, electoral observers and the general public.

It recalled the importance of the election for the consolidation of democratic governance in Côte d’Ivoire as well as for national reconciliation and unity.

The ECOWAS Commission reiterated that peace in Côte d’Ivoire is crucial not only for the Ivorian people, but also for West Africa.


In that regard, the mission commended all stakeholders, in particular political parties, the people, the government, and the Ivorian security forces for the sense of responsibility they demonstrated throughout the electoral process. It also welcomed the sense of responsibility and discipline exhibited by voters in the exercise of their civil rights.


The ECOWAS election observation mission also thanked the Independent Electoral Commission for successful planning and conduct of the election.


It called on all Ivorians, political parties and their supporters to refrain from any act of violence, intimidation or provocation during this crucial phase in the consolidation of peace and democracy in the country.


It equally urged candidates to resort exclusively to legal channels for the settlement of any dispute arising from the election.


The mission remains fully committed to monitoring post-electoral events, until the announcement of final results and make appropriate recommendations for strengthening electoral processes in the Community.

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