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The ECOWAS Commission’s condemnation of the twin terrorist attacks in Kidal and Tombouctou
The ECOWAS Commission strongly condemns the twin terrorist attacks perpetrated today against the MINUSMA camp in Kidal and the Malian Armed Forces in the Tombouctou region, resulting in the killing and injuring of several peacekeepers belonging to the UN Mission, as well as the personnel of the Malian Army.

The Commission strongly condemns these barbaric and inhumane acts, and wishes to seize this opportunity to express, on behalf of the good people of West Africa, heartfelt condolences to the UN Secretary-General, the Governments of the Republics of Mali and Guinea, the valiant and long-suffering people of Mali, and the bereaved families. We also pray for the speedy recovery of all those injured in the attacks.

The Commission further seizes this opportunity to appeal for the commitment of all signatory parties to the Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement to resist being side-tracked by these heinous actions and take all necessary steps to ensure expeditious and inclusive implementation of this hard-won Agreement.

This development further reinforces the call by the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government during their last Summit, which was held in Abuja from 16th-17th December 2016, on the need for the endorsement of the creation of a Regional Intervention force aimed at responding to the terrorism challenge in the Sahel-Sahara region.

Abuja, 15th February 2016.

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