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Subjects Of Community Interest To Dominate The 22nd Meeting Of The ECOWAS Administration And Finance Committee
Left-Right, President & Vice-president of ECOWAS Commission, Marcel de Souza and Edward Singhatey

Abuja, 12 November 2017. The 22nd meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) holds from 13 to 19 November 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria.

On the agenda of the meeting are issues of community interest relating to the functioning of institutions and agencies of the regional organisation and economic development of the West African sub-region.

The meeting will be mainly devoted to considering a number of documents, reports and memoranda, both for information and discussion.

During discussions, delegates will examine, inter alia, the status of tasks assigned to Community Institutions, financial situation of the regional organisation and the detailed organogram of the ECOWAS Commission.

They will also consider the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) report on programme implementation of Community Institutions for the period January to September 2017, alongside the memorandum on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Programme on Countering Violent Extremism in Nigeria, Niger and Mali.

The memorandum on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme and Validation of ECOWAS Volunteers Living Allowance, ECOWAS Youth Empowerment Initiative and the 2018 Draft Consolidated Budget of Community Institutions will also feature on the meeting’s agenda.

The items for information include the Financial Controller’s mid-year report.

 The opening ceremony of the meeting will feature the opening address by the ECOWAS Commission President, Marcel de Souza, which will be delivered by the Commission Vice-President, Edward Singhatey.

The opening session will be chaired by the Ambassador Kadangha Bariki Edawé Limbiyè, of Togo, whose country currently holds the chairmanship of ECOWAS.

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