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Stronger ties between Cape Verde and the ECOWAS Commission
From L to R, Marcel de Souza and the President Of Cape Verde, Jorge Carlos de Almeida Fonseca


Praia, 12 February 2017 


Cape Verde, the only ECOWAS Member State without ambassadorial presence in Nigeria and a permanent representative to the ECOWAS Commission, has undertaken to open an Embassy in Abuja, the federal capital of Nigeria, soon.

De L to R Marcel de Souza and the Prime minister of Cape Verde, José Ulisses Correia e Silva


The Cape Verdean authorities made this known to the President of the Commission of the West African regional organization, Marcel de Souza, during his visit to Praia from 12 to 15 February, reaffirming the country’s willingness to further strengthen its cooperation with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

During his stay in the Cape Verdean capital, Mr. De Souza paid a courtesy visit to President Jorge Carlos de Almeida Fonseca.

Group photo


It was also an opportunity to hold discussions with the Prime Minister, José Ulisses Correia e Silva and members of the Cape Verdean government on certain issues such as the political and security situation in the region, the ECOWAS institutional reform, payment of the community levy, implementation of the Common External Tariff (CET), funding for community programmes, and the ratification of ECOWAS conventions and protocols.

Marcel de Souza’s trip to Praia was in the company of the Commissioner for Telecommunication and Information Technology, Dr. Isaias Barreto Olimpio Da Rosa, and the Commissioner for Human Resources, Dr. Joao Jose Silva Monteiro.



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