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Statement on ECOWAS solidarity visit to Bamako

A delegation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), led by H.E. Mr Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, President of the Commission was in Bamako, from 3 to 5 April 2019, to pay a solidarity visit to the Government and people of Mali in the wake of the recent attacks on and violence against the defence and security forces and civilian population.

The mission was received by H.E. Mr Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga, Prime Minister and Head of Government, including several Government officials. The delegation also met the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Head of MINUSMA, and members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Mali.

The Mission deplored the violent attacks on Mal particularly that of 23 March 2019, which resulted in the killing of civilians and destruction of property in Ogossagou in the Mopti region.

The heinous crimes have received wide condemnation at regional and international levels. The Mission strongly condemned the violence and conveyed ECOWAS’ condolences to families, people and the Malian authorities. In honour of the victims from the defence and security forces, a wreath was laid at the Memorial for Mali’s fallen soldiers.

The delegation welcomed the measures taken by the authorities to protect lives and property, facilitate the return of displaced persons, and urged them to continue the dialogue already initiated, involving all stakeholders, including local, traditional and religious authorities.

The Mission reaffirmed ECOWAS’ commitment to continue to support Mali in the quest for lasting peace to ensure development.

Lastly, the delegation expressed its profound gratitude to the Government and people of Mali for the warm welcome and facilities extended to them.

Done at Bamako, this 4th day of April 2019

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