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Statement by ECOWAS Commission Following the Terrorist Attack of 9 January 2020 In Niger
Statement by ECOWAS Commission Following the Terrorist Attack of 9 January 2020 In Niger 

The President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has learned with deep sadness and great indignation, of the terrorist attack of 9 January 2020 on the Nigerien military unit stationed at Chinegodar, Tillaberi region, at the country’s border with Mali. The attack left dozens of soldiers dead and several more injured.

While joining in the three-day national mourning ordered by the Government of Niger, the ECOWAS Commission strongly condemns the dastardly and senseless criminal act. It expresses sincere condolences to the Government and people of Niger and, in solemn remembrance of the valiant soldiers that lost their lives, commiserates with the bereaved families and expresses the hope for a quick recovery to the wounded.

ECOWAS Commission wishes to reiterate unwavering support to the Government and people of Niger in their efforts to ensure that the perpetrators and likely sponsors are found, so that the victims receive justice.

Finally, given the spate of terrorist attacks in Niger and across West Africa, ECOWAS Commission renews its commitment to fight terrorism in all its forms and search for a lasting solution under the regional counter-terrorism plan, in order to enhance peace and security for the well-being of our people and economic development of our Member States.

Abuja, this 13th day of January 2020

The President of the Commission

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