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Reunion of Episcopal Conferences of West Africa (RECOWA) holds the Opening Session of its 4th General Assembly at the ECOWAS Commission HQ in Abuja

The Reunion of Episcopal Conferences of West (RECOWA) holds the opening session of its 4th General Assembly at the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria today Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022.

H.E. Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, while opening the Session, encouraged the Conference “to begin building bridges across every divide to strengthen our nations and the sub-region as a whole”. He added that peace can only be sustained with peace and not with war.

In his welcome address, H.E, Jean-Claude kassi Brou, President of the ECOWAS Commission stressed for fraternity and cooperation in the ECOWAS Region. He added that the vision 2050 of ECOWAS which is based onA fully integrated community of peoples in a peaceful, prosperous region with strong institutions and respect for fundamental freedoms and working towards inclusive and sustainable development” is aimed enhancing inclusive integration in the Region.


RECOWA was founded in 2012 to bring the pastoral experiences of the Bishops together to help in the issues affecting the lives of the diverse people in the region. The body comprises over 200 Bishops spread across the Dioceses of West Africa

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