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Regional Coordination Council of ECOWAS Volunteers Programme adopts Report
Dr. Siga Fatima Jagne, Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender

Abuja, 19th of December 2018. The Report embodying amendments to the Volunteers Management Manual and Conditions of service of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)’ Volunteers Programme (EVP) has been adopted by the Regional Coordination Council (RCC).

The RCC adopted the Report at the end of their two-Day 7th meeting in Abuja, Nigeria on the 18th of December 2018 after a careful review of the proposed amendments.

Among others, the proposals deliberated upon were aimed at correcting observed deficiencies through the involvement of the RCC members in the effective implementation of the programme at the country level.

With regards to the conditions of service of the EVP, the amendments have to do with the definition of the categories of ECOWAS National Volunteers with or without supervisory responsibilities.

Relating to the volunteer Management Procedures Manual, one of the major tasks undertaken bordered on the exceptional case of defining a locally recruited ECOWAS International Volunteer who is also a national of the country of assignment.

During the meeting, participants generally deliberated on the 2018 activity and financial reports as presented. Also presented were the 2019 Action Plan and draft budget, the EVP online platforms as well as the West African Volunteer Agencies Platform (PVoC).

Declaring the meeting closed, the ECOWAS Commission’s Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender Dr. Siga Fatima Jagne saluted the efforts of the participants for their commitment while noting that the document is still a work in progress.

The Commissioner however suggested the involvement of an independent review of the current programme as ECOWAS looks forward to the next level of assessment with regards to the impact of the EVP on the people of West Africa.

Stressing the need to work in accordance with best practices, Commissioner Jagne underscored the importance of monitoring and evaluation while taking cognizance of to due diligence in order to ensure that the EVP programmes are such that meets the objectives for which they were designed.

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