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Programme Officer, Corridor Development & Logistics
JOB TITLE Programme Officer, Corridor Development & Logistics
ANNUAL SALARY UA49,106.81,USD77,480.72/UA56,591.37,USD89,289.87
DEPARTMENT Infrastructure
DIVISION Maritime and Transport Facilitation Corridors
LINE SUPERVISOR PPO,   Maritime and Transport Facilitation Corridors
SUPERVISING Transport Economist


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Under the supervision of the PPO Maritime and Transport Facilitation Corridors, the incumbent will develop strategies for addressing logistical barriers regarding regional transit as well as reducing the transportation cost in the Community which ranks among the highest in the World. The PO Corridor Development and Logistics will employ current trends in the area of Economic Development Corridors while achieving corridor efficiency in terms of least cost, reliability and competitive travel times. The interventions will cover facilitation of the entire supply and logistics chain starting from the port of origin (or inland points) through regional corridors to the destination points.


  • Develop programs, projects and activities to promote the facilitation of legitimate goods, persons and services along the ECOWAS Regional transit and transport Corridors.
  • Provide technical expertise on the implementation of the ECOWAS Regional Road Transport and Transit Facilitation Program
  • Provide technical expertise for the implementation of economic development corridor initiatives that ensure efficiency in terms of least cost of transport, reliability and competitive travel times
  • Assesses and organizes logistics in terms of transport requirements, receipt, handling, storage and distribution of items and establishes proper warehousing and recording system
  • Establishes a detailed procurement programme plan to determine appropriate specifications of required items, according to established guidelines and procedures
  • Act as a focal point for advice to Regional Member Countries on ports infrastructure and logistics issues and lead policy dialogue with governments in advancing policy, regulatory and institutional reforms in the ports sector
  • involved in programme implementation and assists in all matters pertaining to logistics and procurement
  • Carries out regular trips to ensure that relief material forwarded to projects has been received and properly accounted for at their destinations, and in case of loss or damage follow up with clearing agents, shipping and insurance companies
  • Devises methods of stock control, closely monitors warehousing management, and regularly submits situation reports on stocks, equipment and prepositioned goods


·       Bachelor’s  degree in Civil Engineering, Transport Planning, Economics or Logistics, International Trade Policy or Social Sciences  from a recognized university;

·       5 years’ experience in cross border corridor development projects covering areas such as cross-border infrastructure development, cross-border corridors and spatial planning, spatial development initiatives, engineering in a developing country, with  experience in project preparation and procurement;

·       Must have experience in port logistics & terminals, border operations, transit systems and multi-modal transport, inland or dry ports and warehousing as part of cross border trade and transit operations.

·       Must have been part of at least one project in transport logistics, transport facilitation or corridor development.

·       knowledge of cross border transport projects and social impacts of infrastructure development projects and programs, and programme performance assessment;

·       experience in monitoring and evaluation of infrastructure related projects or programmes;



Be below 50 years old. This provision does not apply to internal candidates



·       ability to persuade/influence others to consider a certain point of view, adopt a new idea or implement new methods and practices;

·       ability to respect chain of command in an appropriate manner;

·       ability to resolve challenges that occur with minimal direction and/or to recommend and explain solutions or alternatives for approval;

·       interpersonal skills with ability to keep a client informed of progress or setbacks in projects of relevance to timeline, quality and quantity;

·       Ability to proactively interact with clients and build strong trusting relationships based on mutual respect and regular discussions;

·       ability to establish and sustain professional credibility with clients/stakeholders in a manner that anticipates their need, mitigates issues and that carefully balances professional obligations with the need to be sensitive and responsive to their needs;

·       ability to counsel, advise, consult and guide others on matters pertaining to assigned client service responsibilities and established  client service standards;

·       demonstrate respect for cultural differences, fairness and ability to relate well with people from varied backgrounds, nationality, gender, ethnicity, race and religion;

·       understanding of diverse cultural views especially within West Africa, with sensitivity to group differences; ability to challenge bias and to practice tolerance and empathy;

·       ability to listen actively, consider people’s concerns and apply  judgement, tact and diplomacy;

·       ability and responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work;

·       knowledge of ECOWAS institutions, sectors, programmes and policies;

·       knowledge of rules and procedures of ECOWAS associated assigned responsibilities and ability to explain these clearly to others;

·       knowledge of the ECOWAS culture, structures and performance issues and priorities impacting assigned responsibilities;

·       Knowledge of member states development trends, indicators, challenges and opportunities as it relates to project/programme assigned to own position.

·       ability to study data/information from a variety of sources, identify anomalies, trends and issues, present findings, and make  recommendations;

·       ability to break down problems or processes into key parts to identify and solve gaps in service, quality assurance, compliance and performance targets;

·       knowledge of and ability to apply techniques to generate creative ideas and new approaches to meeting goals;

·       Demonstrate operational computer proficiency  using appropriate tools;

·       Ability to convey information clearly and concisely in a succinct and organized manner through both writing and verbal means, ;

·       Exhibit interpersonal skills, make presentations, express opinions and debate ideas with others in a constructive manner;

  • Proficiency in  information communication technologies(ICT);

·       Fluency in oral and written expressions in one of the ECOWAS official languages of the Community (English, French & Portuguese). Knowledge of an additional one will be an added advantage.

·       Ability to develop and implement an individual action plan for achieving specific work  goals;

·       Ability to contribute and/or lead on projects as per accepted project management standards and techniques, to co-ordinate contributions by others  to set and meet deadlines;

·       Ability to organize work, set priorities, and work within timelines, giving attention to details, stakeholders, indicators and risks;

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