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President Brou Reaffirms Commission’s Cooperation with ECOWAS Parliament to Advance the Cause of Regional Integration
President Brou in a group photograph with some principal members of the ECOWAS Parliament

Abuja, 10th December, 2019. The President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) H.E Jean-Claude Kassi Brou has reaffirmed the Commission’s Commitment to Cooperation with the ECOWAS Parliament in order to advance the Cause of Regional Integration.

President Brou stated this while presenting his state of the Community address to the second ordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament on the 10th of December 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria.

President Brou presenting his address

The President of the ECOWAS Commission told the regional parliamentarians and invited guests that the fraternal collaboration with the community legislative organ reflects an “unwavering commitment to move forward the regional integration agenda to build an ECOWAS of the people”
President Brou’s 49-paged presentation dwelt on the global and regional economic environment, political affairs, peace and regional security, the status of trade integration and free movement in ECOWAS, infrastructural development, social integration as well as institutional matters.

The details provided in the various areas highlighted by President Brou gave insights to the state of affairs regarding outlook, projections and challenges as the region grapples with the implementation of the customs union, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), transport, energy, telecommunications, single currency, private sector development, industry and agriculture.

A session of parliamentarians
President Brou fielding questions from some journalists

Similarly, the parliamentarians were given updates of happenings in humanitarian affairs, gender, youth, employment and drug control, education, science and culture, activities of other institutions as well as the Commission international cooperation and external relations.

On the economic performance of Member States, which reveals statistics of relative growth in the region, President Brou conveyed some positive developments as seven countries in the region (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Niger and Senegal) posted economic growth higher than six percent in year 2019.

President Brou disclosed that even with the relatively difficult period, several programmes have been implemented in all countries to ensure that growth has an impact on populations.
He stressed that with the security challenges facing the region, there was a need to improve performance on all fronts.

He particularly stated the overriding importance of strengthening strategies to combat insecurity and boost solidarity between countries in order to pool resources together, pursue cooperation and synergy in the collective effort of building an ECOWAS of the people.

President Brou’s presentation was in keeping with the provisions of Article 32 of the ECOWAS Supplementary Act on the establishment of the powers of the ECOWAS Parliament.

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