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President Brou Hosts the Diplomatic Corps in Abuja
President Brou welcoming some Asian diplomats to the reception while Mrs Brou looks on

Abuja, 31st November 2019. In order to continuously improve its partnership with the diplomatic community, H.E Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, President of the ECOWAS Commission hosted the Diplomatic Community on the 31st of October 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria.

President Brou told guests who converged at the main lobby of the ECOWAS Commission headquarters that the regional community was mindful of “the generous and effective support which the ECOWAS Commission enjoys from your respective countries and organisations in the implementation of its regional integration programme”.

The President read out his speech to an appreciative audience

Bringing the diplomatic Community up to speed with recent developments in ECOWAS, President Brou noted that in the 44 years of existence, significant progress had been made in the areas of democracy and good governance, trade, growth consolidation, development of Community infrastructure, strides in energy, telecommunication and technology sector, Food Security, transhumance, health, and anti-terrorism interventions, industrial development, among others.

President Brou also stated during the reception that the ECOWAS Laissez-Passer meets recommended standard by the International Air Transport Association (AITA) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and appealed in this regard, that the ECOWAS Diplomatic Passport be recognized and given the desired regards and acceptance.

Mrs Kassi Brou (L), Nigerian Minister of state foreign Affairs Amb Zubairu Dada, Commissioner Halima Ahmed, and some diplomats
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He reiterated the Commission’s commitment to work with all its partners, through genuine cooperation, based on mutual trust and confidence in line with the ECOWAS’ strategic vision for the acceleration of economic, social and human development.

In his goodwill message, Ambassador Zubairu Dada, Minister of state for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria stated that in appreciation of the strides of the ECOWAS Commission, Nigeria will continue to work closely with Member States on the implementation of all outlined regional programmes.

Apart from Ambassadors accredited to ECOWAS, other envoys and dignitaries who graced the occasion were host Government Functionaries, Ministers, Permanent Representatives, Resident Representatives of Regional, International Institutions/Organisations, ECOWAS’ Statutory Appointees, as well as other development partners.


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