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Six new personalities presented their letters of credence to the President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, on 16 April 2018 at the headquarters of the Institution in Abuja, Nigeria.

They were the Ambassadors of Niger, Alat Mogaskia, Mexico, Alejandro Garcia Moreno Elizondo; Spain, Marcelino Cabanes Ansorena; Italy, Dr Stefano Potesili; Israel, Guy Feldman and the titular Archbishop of Sutri and Apostolic Nuncio of Holy Sea in Nigeria, Rev. Msgr Antonio Guide Filipazzi.

While receiving their letters of credence, Mr Brou congratulated them on their appointment and assured them of his support to succeed in their mission.

He reviewed the status of cooperation between their respective institutions and countries and the regional organisation. He pleaded for concerted efforts in strengthening their collaboration in the regional economic integration process.

Taking the floor, the Vatican’s Rev. Msgr Antonio Guido Filipazzi pointed out that collaboration with ECOWAS would focus mainly on promoting peace.

The new Permanent Representative of Niger to ECOWAS, Alat Mogaskia promised to deepen ties between his country and the region.

Alat Mogaskia and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou discussed extensively on the conduct of the general elections in Sierra Leone held from 7 to 31 March 2018. They agreed to work on improving the organisation of elections in West Africa.

The President of the Commission reaffirmed his readiness to work with Member States’ permanent representatives accredited to ECOWAS to ensure that the goals of the West African organisation are met.

Continued efforts to strengthen cooperation between ECOWAS and Mexico also formed part of discussions between Jean-Claude Kassi Brou and Alejandro Garcia Moreno Elizondo.
The Mexican diplomat invited Mr Brou to visit Mexico, «You would be the first President of the ECOWAS Commission to visit my country», Mr Elizondo declared.

Strengthening cooperation was also a topic for discussion between the new Spanish Ambassador and the ECOWAS Commission’s President.

Marcelino Cabanas Ansorena and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou in particular, reviewed the areas of cooperation between Spain and ECOWAS, such as gender, migration, energy and infrastructure.
The two personalities also discussed the on-going institutional reform in ECOWAS which is still under implementation.

Dr Stefano Pontesili and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou outlined the relations between Italy and CEDEAO and reaffirmed their commitment to its continued enhancement. .

The Ambassador of Israel, Guy Feldman discussed with Mr Brou on the signing of a new memorandum of understanding between the Hebrew State and ECOWAS as an update to the 2009 version signed between both parties.

The Israeli diplomat pointed out that the new memorandum will cover areas such as education, health, energy, etc.

During the presentation of the letters of credence to Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, his Chief of Staff, Kalilou Traoré, the Vice-President of the Commission, Mme Finda Koroma, the Director of Legal Affairs, Daniel Lago, the Ag. Director of External Relations, Jérome Boa and the Ag. Director of Communication, Liberor Doscof Aho were in attendance.

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