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ICRC – ECOWAS Training Of Peacekeepers Come To An End
Bassem Ghanem, ICRC Field Coordinator, Col. Frederico Almendra, a participant and Col. Ollo Alain Pale

Abuja, 24th November 2017. The training course of 40 members of the Economic Community of West African States- Standby Force (ESF) on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) – also known as law of war – and rules applicable in law enforcement in armed conflict situations came to an end in Abuja, on Friday 24th November, 2017.

During the closing ceremony, Col. Frederico Almendra, Head of the Armed and Security Forces/ICRC Nigeria and Col. Ollo Alain Pale representing the Commissioner Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the ECOWAS Commission, Mrs. Halima Ahmed, took turns to hand over attendance certificates to the participants.

In his closing remarks, Col. Almendra reaffirmed the commitment of the ICRC to give ‘immense priority to ECOWAS’ and its efforts while hoping that the cooperation between the two organizations will grow stronger.

Col. Frederico Almendra expressed satisfaction at the performance of the trainees saying they exceeded his expectations that the training will be fruitful and a value added endeavor to the participants.

Col. Ollo Alain Pale conveyed the ECOWAS Commission’s gratitude to ICRC extolling its commitment to provide assistance to the Region during disaster and conflicts.

The five-day training was jointly organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the ECOWAS Commission.

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