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Goodwill Message of the ECOWAS Commission ahead of the 2018 Presidential Run-Off Elections in Sierra Leone




The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, wishes to seize this opportunity to congratulate again the people and Government of Sierra Leone for the peaceful conduct of presidential and parliamentary elections which was held on 7th March 2018.


The ECOWAS Commission equally takes note of some post-election tension, particularly the clashes between supporters of the ruling party and the main opposition in various parts of the country and the tension between the National Electoral Commission (NEC) and the Security Forces.


In view of this situation, a delegation of the ECOWAS Commission led by its President visited Sierra Leone to engage with all stakeholders in order to contribute to easing of tension.

The delegation was received by the President of the Republic H. E. Ernest Bai Koroma who assured of his determination to ensure a peaceful transition. He also promised to engage with all stakeholders particularly the two political parties contesting the runoff elections so as to get everybody convey message of peace.

The Delegation also engaged in consultations with some political parties, NEC, the Women’s Situation Room and the Mano River Union.

The delegation also met with international community representatives in Sierra Leone.

During these Meetings, the ECOWAS Commission insisted on the need to maintain the conditions for ensuring a peaceful and credible electoral process for the consolidation of democracy in the country and our region. The political stakeholders are encouraged to avoid hate speeches that can lead to violence.


To this end, ECOWAS calls on the leadership of all political parties, particularly the All Peoples Congress (APC) and the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), to enjoin their supporters to abstain from all forms of violence in order to affirm the respect for democratic principles and avoid divisive socio-political cleavages.


Regarding the tensions between Sierra Leone Security Forces and NEC, the President of Republic assured the delegation that proper consultation with take place. The delegation insisted on the need for the security forces to work with NEC for peaceful and credible elections.

As in the first round, ECOWAS will support Sierra Leone by deploying Election Observers during this run-off to ensure a fair and credible atmosphere that leads to outcomes that reflect the will of citizens.

ECOWAS calls on the civil society, including the traditional and religious leaders and the media to work on creating a peaceful environment for the successful and peaceful completion of the electoral process.


ECOWAS reiterates its total commitment to the entrenchment of democracy and the rule of law in the region and reaffirms its unwavering support to the Government and people of Sierra Leone at this important time of the country’s political history.



ECOWAS Commission

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