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WAHO REGIONAL OPEN TENDER NOTICE: bids for the procurement of computer equipment and accessories

Date : 22 Feb 2022 - 04 Apr 2022
Venue : WAHO/OOAS,
Town : Bobodioulasso
Country : Burkina Faso






Référence N°: AOR/001/DAF/00AS/2022



  1. The West African Health Organization (WAHO) has made provision in its Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 for the acquisition of computer equipment and accessories for WAHO


  1. The Director General of WAHO hereby invites bids for the procurement of computer equipment and accessories for WAHO.


  1. Participation in the competition is open to all qualified companies or groups of companies in the ECOWAS region, provided that they are not subject to any prohibition or suspension and are in good standing with the authorities of their country of establishment or fixed base.


  1. The supplies and equipment covered by this invitation to tender are made up of five lots, designated as follows :


  • Lot 1: Staff Equipment
  • Lot 2: Server Equipment
  • Lot 3: Spare Parts and Accessories
  • Lot 4: Security and Virtualization Management Server Software
  • Lot 5: RCDC Equipment


Lots are indivisible and bidders may bid for one (01) or more lots and may be awarded one or more lots. To this end, they are authorized to propose unconditional discounts.

  1. In the event that the bidder is evaluated as substantially compliant, evaluated as a low bidder, and meets the qualification criteria on more than one lot, the purchaser will award the bidder the lot or lots that would provide the best economy. Delivery time is between 60 days and 90 days for each lot.
  2. Bidders are required to provide a bid security for each lot from a recognized bank :
Lots Amount bid guarantee
1 1 000 000
2 1 800 000
3   200 000
4   200 000
5  600 000







  1. Bidders must have achieved a minimum certified average turnover (see table below) over the last three (03) years (2018 – 2020) or since inception.


Lots Average annual sales for supplies during the last three (03) fiscal years beginning in 2018 which shall not be less than an amount equivalent to :
1  75 000 000
2 140 000 000
3  15 000 000
4  15 000 000
5  45 000 000








  1. Any eligible applicant interested in this notice may view and download the bidding documents from February 14, 2022 at 10:00 AM GMT at Questions for clarification should be sent to: .


  1. Tenders must be written in one of the three (03) ECOWAS languages and sent electronically to no later than March 31, 2022 at 12:00 GMT.
  2. Bidders should check the Inbox and SPAM folders for the automatic acknowledgement of receipt sent by the WAHO bid submission platform. If necessary, they may ask any questions of clarification or assistance through the address defined in point 8 above.
  3. The candidates who have submitted their offers, communicate by the address provided in points 8-9 above, the password of their protected offers on April 4, 2022 between 8.30 and 10.00 GMT.
  4. The bids will be opened online on April 4, 2022 at 10:30 GMT in the presence of the representatives of the bidders who wish to attend by videoconference through the Zoom tool. The link of the meeting will be provided upon request at:
  5. On the date scheduled for the opening of the bids, bidders could connect to the online opening session through the link received by email.
  6. Bids submitted by other means will not be opened and will be rejected.
  7. Bids must remain valid for 120 days from the deadline for submission.
  8. WAHO reserves the right not to proceed with any part of this Notice of Proposal.





Prof Stanley OKOLO

Director General

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