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Selection of Individual Consultant to develop an ‘ECOWAS Model Regulation on Artisanal Mining and Small-scale Mining which aligns with the Community’s vision

Date : 01 Apr 2020 - 30 Apr 2020
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria


(Consulting services – individual consultant selection)

Selection of Individual Consultant to develop an ‘ECOWAS Model Regulation on Artisanal Mining and Small-scale Mining which aligns with the Community’s vision

Reference No. ECW/IC/ADM-MN-1/17-03/gd

In the framework of the execution of the 2020 Budget, The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) intends to apply a portion of its budgeted counterpart funds for the Selection of an Individual Consultant to develop an ‘ECOWAS Model Regulation on Artisanal Mining and Small-scale Mining which aligns with the Community’s vision.

  1. The objective of the consultancy service is to develop for consideration and adoption, a Draft ECOWAS Model Regulation on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining that aligns with the Community’s vision.
  2. The consulting services (“the Services”) include the following as shown below and the duration of the contract shall be for an initial period of eighty eight (88) working days (approximately 4 months). The assignment is to be executed off-site at the Consultant’s usual place of residence. Duties and responsibilities of the consultant:

Duties and Responsibilities of the Consultant:


  1. Draft an ECOWAS Model Regulation on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining, then submit it through the Commissioner, Energy & Mines within a specified number of days. This Draft Regulation shall take into consideration the following:


  1. Properly define the terms and terminologies used.
  2. Undertake a situational analysis of the sub-sector in all the Member States by taking into account best practices in such matters across the region or even elsewhere.
  3. Strengthen the capacity of the operators engaged in the sub-sector.
  4. Create a fund for rehabilitation and protection of the environment and identify sources for the fund.
  5. Prioritize actions to be carried out to regulate and ensure oversight of the sub-sector.


  1. Be the Resource Person(s) in the review and statutory validation process of this document


  1. The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible Individual Consultants (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are as follow:


Educational Qualification

  • Demonstrated academic competence from a related-field(s) within the geo-extractives sector;



  • Demonstrated appreciation of the Community’s developmental policy-orientation for the geo-extractives sector.
  • Demonstrated practical experience in policy-related, regulatory conceptualization within a multi-sectoral, international best practice context.
  • Proven ability to write reports in clear and concise legal and technical context, communicate effectively, present concepts with limited slides, and meet assigned-deadlines.
  • Proven ability to maintain excellent interpersonal skills and to establish and maintain effective working relationships within a multi-lingual and cultural environment of an international development organization.



  • The individual consultants shall be fluent (reading, writing, speaking) in one (1) of the ECOWAS Official Languages (English, French or Portuguese) and the practical knowledge (reading, writing, speaking) of an additional one would be an advantage.

NB: The attention of interested Individual consultants is particularly drawn to Article 118 of the ECOWAS Revised Procurement Code (“Infringements by Candidates, Bidders and Awardees”), providing information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or executing a contract.  In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per “Article 119 of the ECOWAS Revised Procurement Code.

  1. The Consultants will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant set out in the Consultant Guidelines. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed for the position.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the email addresses below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am GMT+1 to 5.00 pm GMT+1.


with copy to:;;;


  1. Expressions of Interest (1 original and 3 copies) must be delivered in sealed envelopes and clearly marked Selection of an Individual Consultant to develop an ‘ECOWAS Model Regulation on Artisanal Mining and Small-scale Mining which aligns with the Community’s vision, Do not open except in the presence of the Evaluation Committee” to the address below latest by Thursday April 30th , 2020 at 11.00 am (GMT+1), Nigerian Time.


The ECOWAS Tender Box is located at the Directorate of General Administration, Procurement Division, 1st Floor ECOWAS Commission, 101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria.


Please note that electronic submissions are  accepted and shall be addressed to: with copy to and .


This EOI is also published on the ECOWAS website                                                                                       



Director, General Administration


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