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Selection of a consultant for the deployment of a procurement monitoring software for ECOWAS Commission

Date : 20 Sep 2021 - 07 Oct 2021
Venue : Abuja, Nigeria,
Town : Abuja
Country : Nigeria


From                  : 20/09/2021               TO: 07/10/2021

Client                : ECOWAS Commission

Type                  : Expression of Interest (EOI)

TITLE                   : Selection of a consultant for the deployment of a procurement monitoring software for ECOWAS Commission

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) represented by the ECOWAS Commission intends to recruit a consultant to carry out a deployment of a procurement monitoring software.

2.         The main objective is to facilitate the Digital Management and Monitoring of scheduled Procurement activities through an automated alignment of the procurement plan with the procedures formalized, in the Directorate of General Administration.


 3.        Duties and responsibilities of the consultant:


·        Procurement schedule management and monitoring software, which will include all the tools required at every monitoring phase.

·        Codification of the different Procurement procedures/ components (public procurement laws).

·        Automatic alignment of the Procurement Plan content with the procedures formalised in the template.

·        User-specific reminders of critical phases and at pre-established dates and times.

·        Complaints management (receiving, processing and following-up, recording of the evolving correspondence, etc.);

·        Monitoring of Procurement schedule electronically by narrative or documentary elements.

·        Publication of different monitoring outputs including donor-mandated periodic reporting.

·        Record of all the Procurement aggregates.

·        Contract type and bidding method in line with the procurement laws or donor directives.

·        Description of the assigned responsibilities.

·        Procurement process template to include the areas to be monitored and the suggested phases and timeline for completion.

·        Existence of a link to electronic versions of template documents.

·        Training of Procurement key and end users .


4.         The qualifications of the Consultant firm should include, among others 


·        The prospective consultant: must be specialized in the design and editing of management software, have a proven expertise in the development of software related to Public Procurement, have at least 10 years of existence, have proven references in the field and present at least one senior procurement expert, an accounting expert specialized in development management, a computer engineer and a team of at least 5 developers.


5.         The selection procedure will be selection of consultant (firm) based on the Least Cost selection and the selected Consultant firm will be invited to produce Technical and Financial Proposals which will serve as the basis for negotiation for the conclusion of the Contract Agreement. Please note that the selected consultant firm will be expected to submit all required reports in English or French.


6.         The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible Consultants (firm) to indicate their interests in providing these services. The interested Consultants firms must provide all information supporting their qualification to perform the services (Kindly attach detailed Curriculum Vitae with evidences that justifies and highlights the following:  Past Experiences of similar jobs over the past ten (10) years; Computer knowledge; knowledge of the area; language and any other information useful for the accomplishment of this project).


7.         Interested consultant firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am GMT+1 to 5.00 pm GMT+1.

Procurement Division, Directorate of General Administration, ECOWAS Commission,

Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria or by E-mail to the following addresses: with copies to,    

The selection procedure will be based on Least Cost Selection Method (LC), Also, firms that are part of an international network are to submit only one expression of interest as a network.


NB: The attention of interested Consultant firms is drawn to Article 87 of the ECOWAS Tender Code (“Infringements by Candidates, Bidders and Awardees”), setting forth corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or executing a contract.  In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per Article 17. (h) of the ECOWAS Tender Code.


8.         Expression of Interest (1 original and 3 copies) must be delivered in sealed envelopes and clearly marked “SELECTION OF A CONSULTANT FOR THE DEPLOYMENT OF A PROCUREMENT MONITORING SOFTWARE FOR ECOWAS COMMISSION”, Do not open except in the presence of the Tender Committee” to the address below latest by Thursday October 7, 2021, at 11.00 am (GMT+1).


The ECOWAS Tender Box is located in the Directorate of General Administration, Procurement Division, 1st Floor ECOWAS Commission, 101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria.


9.         Please note that electronic submissions are accepted and will be evaluated.


10.       This EOI is also published on the ECOWAS website                                                                                       




Commissioner, General Administration & Conference




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