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Selection of a Consultancy Firm for The Provision of Architectural & Engineering Services for the ECOWAS Humanitarian Logistics Depot in Bamako-Republic Of Mali (Regional Competitive Bidding Process). NOTICE OF RELAUNCH

Date : 18 Aug 2021 - 10 Sep 2021
Venue : Abuja, Nigeria,
Town : Abuja
Country : Nigeria

Date: August 16, 2021 – September 10th , 2021
Country: Nigeria
Client: ECOWAS Commission
Type: Expression of Interest
Title: Selection of a Consultancy Firm for The Provision of Architectural & Engineering

Services for the ECOWAS Humanitarian Logistics Depot in Bamako-Republic Of Mali  (Regional Competitive Bidding Process).


EOI Design and Build Humanitarian Depot Bamako

Final EOI Design and Build Humanitarian Depot Bamako (Français)

1. During an Extra-Ordinary Summit of Heads of States and Government of ECOWAS, the Authority decided on the establishment of the ECOWAS Humanitarian Logistics Depot
namely, the Humanitarian Logistics Depot in Bamako-Mali. It was a Decision of the Authority of Heads of States to Establish ECOWAS Humanitarian Logistics Depot.

2. The ECOWAS Humanitarian Logistics Depot is a regional facility for stockpiling and warehousing emergency food and non-food relief materials to ensure rapid response to disasters and other humanitarian challenges that exceed the coping capacity of the
victims and government of Member States of ECOWAS towards returning lives of the affected population to normalcy. The facility will provide for storage of all types of relief materials, transportation, training, offices and accommodation for its staff, tools for preparation of goods for release to the beneficiaries.

3. It is in this perspective that the ECOWAS Commission seeks to engage the services of an engineering and construction consulting firm for Engineering Study, Environmental Impact Analysis and Architectural Design Services for the design and supervision of the
‘ECOWAS Humanitarian Logistics Depot’ and related Structures in Bamako-Mali.

4. The objective of the assignment is to prepare the architectural, civil engineering and electromechanical design including drawings, specifications, bill of quantities (BOQ). The
assignment is as follow :
• Undertake environmental and topographical survey and analysis, material & soil investigation;
• Prepare a conceptual architectural design which will be subject to Client’s approval;
• Undertake detailed architectural design based on the principle of sustainable development (i.e. high environment quality and low energy consumption);
• Prepare structural design including concrete and masonry works, earthworks, pavements ;
• Prepare required Engineering Plans, Specifications, Calculations and Construction Schedules;
• Computation of construction quantities and preparation of cost estimates;
• Prepare for the Client, Bidding Documents for construction works;
• Assist Client in the tender process and bid evaluation as may be required;
•Supervision of construction works;
• Other related activities and services that may be assigned by the client.

5. The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible Consultants (Firm) to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultancy firms must provide information
showing that they are qualified to perform the services:
• Have required relevant experience in Building Construction assessment, providing architectural design and supervision.
• Have carried out successfully similar assignments (Design and Supervision) for an international organization or a renowned public body during the last 10 years;
• Have working experience in at least 2 ECOWAS Countries in the past ten (10) years;
• Have the capacity to produce and provide the reports in English/French or Portuguese
• List of relevant key experts for the assignment with a team of Experts ; with a combined knowledge of English and French;
NB: In addressing the above listed criteria, consulting firms must provide tangible evidence and detailed references for all claims made in terms of experience and capabilities, similar assignments, etc. Each reference provided should be summarized on a project sheet, and will be considered and accepted only if the
candidate attaches supporting documents indicating the contact information of the contracting authorities so as to facilitate verification of the information provided, covering contracts OR copies of attestation(s) of good performance of each contract presented, as issued and signed by the Client.

6. The selection procedure will be based on Quality and Cost Based Selection Method (QCBS) in accordance with the ECOWAS Procurement Code. ECOWAS Commission is under no obligation to shortlist any Firm who expresses interest.

7. A shortlist of six (6) to Eight (08) firms which present the best profiles shall be drawn up after the expression of interest.

8. The firms that are part of an international network are to submit one expression of interest.
NB: The attention of interested Firms is particularly drawn to Article 117 of the ECOWAS Procurement Code (“Infringements by Candidates, Bidders and Awardees”), providing information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or executing a contract.
In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per “Article 118 of the ECOWAS Procurement Code.

9. Interested Firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am (GMT+1), to 5.00 pm (GMT+1), Nigerian Time.
Procurement Division, Directorate of General Administration, ECOWAS Commission, Plot 14, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria or by E-mail to
the following addresses: with copy to ; ; ; ;;

15. Expression of Interest can be delivered in sealed envelope (1 Original and 3 copies) and clearly marked “SELECTION OF A CONSULTANCY FIRM FOR THE ARCHITECTURAL &
2021 at 11.00 am (GMT+1), Nigerian Time.

16. The ECOWAS Tender Box is located at General Administration, Procurement Division, first (1st) Floor of the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters.
Please note that electronic submissions are also accepted and shall be sent to with copy to ; ; ; ;

17. This EOI is also published on the ECOWAS website

Commissioner, General Administration & Conference

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