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Request For Consulting Services – Selection Of Two (2) Individual Consultants To Develop Standard Operating Procedures On Mixed Migration For Front Line Service Providers

Date : 08 Oct 2020 - 28 Oct 2020
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria

From                 : 08/10/2020     to      28/10/2020

Client                : ECOWAS Commission

Type                 : Expression of Interest (EOI)

TITLE                  : Request For Consulting Services – Selection Of Two (2) Individual Consultants To Develop Standard Operating Procedures On Mixed Migration For Front Line Service Providers

Reference No. ECW/IC/ADM-SD-08.10.20/JNU

In the framework of the execution of the 2020 Budget, The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) intends to apply a portion of its budgeted counterpart funds for the SELECTION OF TWO (2) INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS TO DEVELOP STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ON MIXED MIGRATION FOR FRONT LINE SERVICE PROVIDERS.

  1. The purpose of this assignment will consider that: Under the Emergency Protection Programme of the Division of Human Security and Civil Society, ECOWAS seeks to address the lack of specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for relevant Front Line Service Providers including Law Enforcement Agents. The development of the Mixed Migration SOPs will be based on real life experiences and a broad range of scenarios to contribute to the realization of the full enjoyment of rights by Mixed-migrants within the ECOWAS space.

Specifically, under the auspices of the Free Movement and Migration in West Africa Project (FMM) the Commission developed Manuals on Mixed Migration and Border Management. While the Manual on Mixed Migration provides extensive definitions in relation to the legal-cum protection status of mixed migrants, it does not directly identify or address how migrants in difficulties might present on the field.

  1. The consulting services (“the Services”) include the following as shown below and as contained in the Terms of Reference (TOR). The duration of the contract shall be for a maximum of (Thirty (30) working days.

Duties and responsibilities of the Consultant will be structured around the following tasks:

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. Collate and analyse critical cases on the range of issues arising in cases of inward bound mixed migration within West Africa, specifically with respect to Migrants in difficult circumstances from Member States; from different sources including the IOM Flow Monitoring Reports and others.
  2. Compile and analyse all ECOWAS Instruments relating to Free Movement and their implications for the management of Mixed Migration.
  • Develop Draft Standard Operating Procedures for the guidance of Frontline Personnel in the management of Mixed Migration cases.
  1. Present the Compilations and draft SOPs to a Member States Task Force of Expert for input and feedback;
  2. Present the revised Compilations and draft SOPs to an Internal Validation Meeting of the ECOWAS Commission for validation.


Key Deliverables:    

  1. Inception Report and Work plan;
  2. Compilation and Analysis of Cases and ECOWAS Instruments;
  3. Draft Standard Operating Procedures;
  4. Finalized copy of the Standard Operating Procedures based on Member States and ECOWAS Inputs and Feedback.
  5. Power Point Presentations of all key deliverables and summaries.
  6. Final Consultancy Report.

  1. The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible Individual Consultants (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.


The shortlisting criteria are as follow: The study will be carried out by two (2) Individual consultants with the following Qualifications/Competencies

  • A Master’s degree or equivalent degree in Law, Migration Studies, Development Studies, Gender Studies, or any of the Social Sciences or a related field.
  • A minimum of 10 years progressive experience with issues of Mixed Migration, Refugee Protection, or related issues with an emphasis on Research and Advocacy.
  • Extensive knowledge about the ECOWAS Free Movement Protocols and application.
  • Substantive knowledge and skill in Research and Development, Data Collection and Analytical systems etc.
  • Strong analytical, drafting, communication and reporting skills.
  • Verbal and written proficiency in one of the 3 ECOWAS languages (English, French or Portuguese), competence in a second language is a distinct asset.
  • Computer Literacy and competence in the use of Presentation Software.
  • Cultural sensitivity.
  • Willingness to travel.


NB: The attention of interested Individual consultants is particularly drawn to Article 118 of the ECOWAS Revised Procurement Code (“Infringements by Candidates, Bidders and Awardees”), providing information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or executing a contract.  In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per “Article 119 of the ECOWAS Revised Procurement Code.

  1. The Consultants will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant set out in the Consultant Guidelines.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the email addresses below during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am GMT+1 to 5.00 pm GMT+1.

Email: with copy to:;        ; ;

  1. Expressions of Interest (1 original signed and 3 copies) may be delivered in sealed envelopes and clearly marked “SELECTION OF TWO (2) INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANST TO DEVELOP STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ON MIXED MIGRATION FOR FRONT LINE SERVICE PROVIDERS”, Do not open except in the presence of the Evaluation Committee” to the address below latest by Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 11.00 am (GMT+1), Nigerian Time.


The ECOWAS Tender Box is located at the Directorate of General Administration, Procurement Division, 1st Floor ECOWAS Commission, 101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria.


Please note that electronic submissions also accepted and shall be submitted to : with copy to ,        ;;



This EOI is also published on the ECOWAS website                                                                                       



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