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Recruitment of an Executing Agency (Consultant) to Strengthen the Capacities of 47 District Laboratories in the ECOWAS Countries

Date : 27 Sep 2016 - 27 Oct 2016
Venue : WAHO/OOAS,
Town : Bobodioulasso
Country : Burkina Faso



Reference N°FMlTEND/ AMI/REDISSE/2016/006/dmt
26 September 2016

Recruitment of an Executing Agency (Consultant) to Strengthen the Capacities of 47 District Laboratories in the ECOWAS Countries

Grant N° Orants: D1350 and MDTF 072575

The West African Health Organisation (WAHO) has received two (02) grants from the International Development Association (IDA) and the Canadian Government (D1350 and MDTF 072575
respectively), and plans to use a portion of the grants to coyer the costs of the following contract:
Recruitment of an Executing Agency (Consultant) to Strengthen the Capacities of 47 District Laboratories in the ECOW AS Countries.
The consultancy service is required to build the capacity of the 47 district laboratories hosting the 47 new centres for epidemiology surveillance in two ECOWAS countries before the end of the year 2017.

The project specifically aims to:
• Identify needs with respect to equipment, reagents, and bio-medical supplies;
• Propose a laboratory equipment maintenance plan;
• Train 47 male and female laboratory technicians (RiLab) from the Health Districts hosting
the 47 new CES;
• Set up a quality control mechanism;
• Establish a network of the laboratories for peer-quality control

Duration: The Consultant’s mission shall be conducted over a period of one (01) year, and concluded before 31 December 2017.
Consultant’s Profile: Consultants interested in this notice and possessing proven qualifications and experience in the area of Laboratory and Epidemiology Surveillance training are invited to express their interest.

The West African Health Organisation (WAHO) invites the qualified consultancy firms (consultants) to express their interest in providing the aforementioned services. Interested consultants must
demonstrate that they possess the required qualifications and relevant experience (documentation on the agency and its areas of competence, references relating to the execution of similar contracts) for the execution of the services. The cover page and signature page of the said contracts must be attached to the references. A summary description of the references must
include the aim of the mission, the address of the client, the cost of the project, year of completion, and duration. These criteria will be duly considered when short-listing.

Consultants are hereby informed that the provisions of paragraph 1.9 of “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers under the IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and
Grants”, (January 2011 edition, July 2014 revised version), on World Bank rules regarding conflict of interests shall apply.
A consultant will be selected using the quality and cost-based selection method as laid down in the Guideline for Consultants.
Interested consultants may access the TORs on WAHO’s website:

Interested consultants may also obtain additional information on reference materials from the aforementioned address and during work hours from Monday to Friday 08h00 to 16h00.

The expression of interest (email subject and lor envelope) marked “Recruitment of an Executing Agency (Consultant) to Build the Capacity of 47 District Laboratories in the ECOWAS Countries” may be received by the WARO secretariat via post or email at the address below no later than 11.00 a.m (GMT) on thursday 27 October 2016.

West African Health Organisation
01 BP 153 Bobo-Dioulasso 01
Avenue Ouezzin COULIBALY
Burkina Faso
Telephone: (226) 20 97 57 75/20970097
Fax: (226) 20 97 57 72
Email address:

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