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Recruitment of an air transport expert (consultant)

Date : 26 Feb 2019 - 25 Mar 2019
Institution : ECOWAS Commission
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INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT: recruitment of an air transport expert (consultant)

Sector : Transport
Source of Financing : ECOWAS Commission

1. The ECOWAS Air Transport Program has an overarching goal to develop a sound and seamless regional air transport system with safe, reliable, efficient and affordable air services, well connected within West Africa and integrated with the global and African air transport network. The successful development of Air Transport in West Africa will enable ECOWAS Member States to fast track their socio-economic development through easier access to major Capitals, markets and resources, to consolidate their international and trade relations as well as reduce the negative effect of famine, war and epidemics by the rapid conveyance of foodstuff and medication. Indeed, aviation should be a catalyst of socio-economic development and integration in ECOWAS region. Consequently ECOWAS Member States have given mandate to the Commission to coordinate, harmonize and mobilize funds for the sustainable development of the Community’s air transport sector.

2. In order to address the deficit, speed up the implementation of projects and implement the above mandate effectively, the Infrastructure Department, within the ECOWAS Commission, intends to enhance the capacity of the Air Transport sector through the engagement of an Air Transport Expert/Consultant with requisite knowledge and experience in regional/multinational air transportation planning, project preparation and implementation.

3. The services under this contract mainly concern Air Transport Infrastructure projects coordination, preparation and implementation activities. The activities include: (i) prepare project documents including concept notes, draft Terms of References, Implementation & Procurement Schedules and all related correspondence. Develop project planning and support effective implementation of all activities on schedule; (ii) Coordination of the Air Transport Division and the implementation of aviation programmes, policies, projects and action plans; iii) Prepare project documents including concept notes, draft Terms of References, Implementation & Procurement Schedules and all related correspondence with Member States, Development Partners and stakeholders in liaison with Finance Directorate and Procurement Unit.; iv).prepare sector annual work plans and budgets, and the corresponding staff development measures to ensure implementation and other related documentation for air transport projects; vi) Prepare report of experts meeting, draft resolution to be submitted for consideration and validation by the Transport Ministers; vii) Through meetings and negotiations develop and maintain good relations with the International Civil Aviation organization, commissions, associations, conferences as well as with other Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and integration organizations such as West African and Monetary Union (WAEMU); viii) prepare and negotiate MoUs between ECOWAS and stakeholders for harmonization of air navigation safety systems; ix) Organize coordinating Meetings of ECOWAS and stake holders in Air Navigation Service Providers, Flight Information Regions and Ministerial/Steering Committee Meetings; x) any other Project related activities that may be assigned by the Commissioner for Infrastructure and the ECOWAS Commission.

4. The overall duration of the consultancy contract is estimated at twelve (12) months.

5. The ECOWAS Commission invites all interested eligible and qualified individual Consultants to submit their candidacy to provide the services described above. The consultants must produce a letter of expression of interest and their curriculum vitae, providing clear information on their experience and qualification with respect to the assignment (CV, references of similar services demonstrating that they are qualified, description of their experiences and tasks in similar assignments, etc.).

6. The Consultant will be a high-level specialist in civil aviation/air transport projects with a good knowledge of international projects. In addition, he/she must possess procurement skills in line with the procedures of multilateral donors, particularly the AfDB and have the following profile:

a. Qualification: Hold at least a Master’s degree in Law, Economics/Science or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution or its equivalent; and must hold a Specialized degree in Air Transport such as Civil Aviation Engineering, Aviation Law, Air Transport Management and/or Economics or related discipline.
b. Minimum of fifteen (15) years of relevant experience and managerial skills preferably in Africa in Air transport/civil Aviation administration, Airlines company, Airport company, Air Navigation Services or similar aviation related organization, or a regional / international organization involved in the development of air transport standards, services, programmes or policies;
c. Have been involved in a similar position (technical assistance), at least 2 Consultancy contracts in the implementation of regional aviation programme in two (2) regional, continental or international institutions;
d. Good knowledge of preparation of investment projects, feasibility studies, and documents for the award of contracts; Good knowledge of ECOWAS rules and procedures.
e. Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.
f. Knowledge of ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Chicago Convention, Air Traffic Rights, Aircraft, Airport infrastructure, facilities and equipment, Air Navigation Services, Aviation Institutions in Africa;
g. Having proven experience in implementing aviation project financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), World Bank or European Union;
h. Experience of ECOWAS will be an added advantage
i. Speak and write English or French very well with a working knowledge of the other.

7. Interested consultants can obtain further information and consult the Terms of Reference (TORs) at the address mentioned below during office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon (GMT+1) on working days. The TORs can be consulted on the ECOWAS website.

8. The expressions of interest should be submitted or sent to the address physical below not later than March 25th at 4:00 p.m. (GMT +1), and must be clearly marked: “Support to the Department of Infrastructure of the ECOWAS Commission – Recruitment of an Air Transport Expert (Consultant)”.

9. The working languages shall be English and French.

For delivery in person or by registered mail to:

Procurement Division,
Directorate of General Administration
1st Floor of the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters,
Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent,
Asokoro District, Abuja,

Requests for further information or clarification or delivery of EoI could be sent by e-mail:
Attention : Commissioner General Administration &Conference
Email :

with copies to :

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