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Recruitment of a Consultant for the Development of Procedures Manuals, Reference Guides and Implementing Directive for Community Competition Rules

Date : 14 Mar 2022 - 07 Apr 2022
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria

(Consulting services – individual consultant selection)

From : 15/03/2022 to 7/04/2022
Client : ECOWAS Commission
Type : Expression of Interest (EOI)
TITLE : Recruitment of a Consultant for the Development of Procedures Manuals,
Reference Guides and Implementing Directive for Community Competition Rules

Reference No. N° ECW/ERCA-CTCF/ADM/ (DU (005) /15/03/22) kn
In the framework of the execution of the 2021 Budget, ECOWAS Regional Competition
Authority (ERCA) intends to apply a portion its budgeted funds for the Recruitment of a
Consultant for the Development of Procedures Manuals, Reference Guides and
Implementing Directive for Community Competition Rules

The ECOWAS Competition Framework was adopted in 2008 through two (2) Supplementary
Acts: the Supplementary Act A/SA.01/12/08 adopting the Community Competition Rules and
its application modalities, the Supplementary Act A/SA.02/12/08 on the establishment, powers
and functioning of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) which was officially
inaugurated on 12th June 2018 and whose activities have effectively started in January 2019.
The Community Competition Rules aim to promote and encourage competition within the
ECOWAS region by discouraging practices that hamper the proper functioning of the regional
market. The ERCA is responsible for monitoring the market in order to prohibit agreements,
decisions taken by business associations and cartel practices that may disrupt trade between
ECOWAS Member States and that have the object or effect of hindering, restricting or
distorting competition in the regional market.
For the operationalisation of the general principles described in the two founding texts
mentioned above, the ECOWAS decision-making bodies (the Council of Ministers and the
Authority of Heads of State and Government) adopted in December 2021 a set of subsidiary
regulations: (i) an Supplementary Act amending the Supplementary Act A/SA.02/12/08 which
institutes, in particular, the ERCA Council, (ii) a Regulation on the powers and composition of
the ERCA Council, (iii) a Regulation on the ERCA procedures, (iv) a Regulation adopting the
rules of procedure on mergers and acquisitions, and (v) a Regulation adopting the rules on
Bertil Harding, KSMD,
Bijilo, The Gambia
P.O Box 4470
+220 2330006 / 3486966
leniency and immunity.
All these legal texts constitute a major step forward in the effective implementation of the
ECOWAS Competition Policy. However, some provisions deserve to be completed and further
specified through Procedures Manuals, reference guides, information forms and directives,
which, where appropriate, are detailed in the above-mentioned regulations.


EOI eng Guide Manuel -GB (For download)

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