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Recruitment of a Consultant for the Development of a Statistical Information System on Competition (ECIS1 )

Date : 14 Mar 2022 - 07 Apr 2022
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria

(Consulting services – individual consultant selection)

From : 15/03/2022 to 7/04/2022
Client : ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA)
Type : Expression of Interest (EOI)
TITLE : Recruitment of a Consultant for the Development of a Statistical Information
System on Competition (ECIS1)

Reference No. N° ECW/ERCA-CTCF/ADM/ (DU (004) /15/03/22) kn
In the framework of the execution of the 2021 Budget, the ECOWAS Regional Competition
Authority (ERCA) intends to apply a portion of its budgeted funds for the Recruitment of an
Individual Consultant for the Development of a Statistical Information System on
Competition (ECIS2).

a) Background
Within the framework of the implementation of ECOWAS competition rules, the ECOWAS
Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) is responsible, as stipulated by the Supplementary
Act A/SA.2/12/08, for:
– monitor the commercial activities within the common market with the aim of detecting
practices that may distort the proper functioning of the market or harm the economic interests
of consumers;
– to carry out enquiries and investigations in relation to the conduct of business activities in the
common market, with the aim of determining whether an undertaking is engaged in business
activities which infringe the Community Competition Rules;
– conduct studies and publish reports and information on issues relating to consumer interests
in the context of the application of Community Competition Rules;
The proper conduct of these activities requires regular and reliable information related to the
oversight of fair competition, the assessment of the impact of anti-competitive practices on the
regional market and on consumer welfare.
Therefore, it is crucial to develop a technical framework for the collection and management of
data on competition and consumer protection monitoring to serve as a harmonised information
system and reference guide in ECOWAS. This framework should also provide a direct
Bertil Harding, KSMD,
Bijilo, The Gambia
P.O Box 4470
+220 2330006 / 3486966
overview of a reporting mechanism for the periodic analysis and evaluation of competition

b) Objectives
The objective of this work is to establish a regular, reliable, consistent and sustainable
information system, which can provide the data for monitoring competition at ECOWAS level,
including the assessment of the consequences of anti-competitive practices on the regional
market as well as the economic and social interest of consumers.
The work should achieve the following specific objectives:
– Identify the mechanisms for collecting, analysing, publishing and managing
competition monitoring data in each country and at regional level and identify the data
sources used at national (and other) level;
– Highlight the sources of production and potential users of the data in relation to
competition monitoring;
– Recommend the development of a consistent and sustainable approach to data
collection in the 15 Member States;
– Develop a competition information system;
– Identify more specifically the capacity building needs of ERCA staff and national
competition structures.


EOI eng Guide Manuel -GB

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