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Prequalification Notice For The Selection Of Health Management Organisations (Hmos) For ECOWAS Institutions Based In Abuja.

Date : 20 Sep 2021 - 08 Nov 2021
Venue : Abuja, Nigeria,
Town : Abuja
Country : Nigeria


Date of publication: 20 September 2021


1. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a sub-regional multilateral organization created on 28 May 1975 and composed of fifteen (15) Member States. ECOWAS
currently provides health benefit to all eligible Staff members and their approved spouses and dependents. Group Life and Group personal Accident insurance for all staff of ECOWAS
Institutions are currently being managed by a Consortium of Brokers and Underwriters.

2. ECOWAS Commission wishes to engage the services of an HMO (Health Management Organization) with required expertise, proven track records and experience to manage the health insurance of its staff from the three Institutions based in Abuja, namely the ECOWAS Commission, the ECOWAS Parliament and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice.

3. The scope of services that ECOWAS expects the preferred HMO to manage include but not limited the following duties:
• Establish and update accurate personnel records.
• Continuously ensure that personnel data is up to date including removing staff
members who leave ECOWAS.
• Carry out staff communication and member awareness tasks.
• Issue health insurance cards.
• Designate health care providers and continually monitor standards and level of
• Negotiate the pricing of medications and medical services with the designated
• Timely process, analyze and pay submitted medical bills from designated providers.
• Prepare and timely submit quarterly statistics of the usage of benefits.
• Participate in the interpretation of medical reports including the identification of
concerns where applicable.
• Inform ECOWAS of any withdrawals or incorporation of new providers within 48
working hours through ECOWAS brokers.
• Participate in the quarterly performance review meetings.

4. The selected HMO is expected to bring strong financial security, ability to handle all forms of risks and ability to handle all worldwide health schemes in multiple geographical location. Also the selected HMO work directly with the ECOWAS Commission and the appointed Health Insurance Brokers to manage the insurance coverages, renewals and claims administration for efficient synchronization of ECOWAS Benefits Policies.

5. The Department of General Administration & Conference of the ECOWAS Commission thereby requests from eligible companies to indicate their interest in providing these services.
Interested companies must provide the following information showing that they are qualified to perform the services:

Prequalification Criteria

The Prequalification criteria are: (a) general experience as Health Management Organizations for at least ten (10) years (shall provide Certificate of Incorporation / Registration by the Relevant
Authority of the bidder country such as Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for Nigeria); (b) specific experience in the Management of Health Insurance (Manage at most 10 schemes with not less than 4,000 members with a scheme having minimum of 40 members) for International Organizations, Public Renowned Body, Private renowned Companies within the past ten (10) years (Bidders Shall provide signed contract or Job Completion Certificate for each specific experience); (c) Shall justify of having Affiliations covering Europe and North America; (d) Shall justify of having multilingual call center providing services in Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone; (e) availability of key staff
(list, qualifications, and experience); (f) Shall justify capacity to produce reports and all other relevant documents in English, French and Portuguese languages; (g) Shall certified Audited Financial
Statement for the last five (5) years (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020) showing an average turnover of at least 3 Billion Naira or its equivalent in USD or EUROS; (h) Shall provide top ten (10)
Client references with contact names, telephones, e-mail addresses; (i) The bidder SHALL provide the relevant document; (certificate of non-bankruptcy or a declaration on the honor of nonbankruptcy).
✓ Please note that all the above Prequalification requirements are mandatory for the acceptance of the bids. The Non-Submission of any of these documents will lead to the disqualification of the Bidder.
✓ Regional or International HMOs not registered in Nigeria are to bid only through HMOs duly registered in Nigeria ( partnership or joint venture) . This is in line with Section 72(1) of Insurance Act 2003 which prohibit International HMOs not registered in Nigeria from directly managing Health related business in Nigeria .

6. Interested eligible companies may obtain further information at Procurement Division, Directorate of General Administration, ECOWAS Commission, Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon
Crescent, Asokoro District, P.M.B. 401 Abuja, Nigeria. Email: with copy to ; ; ;;;;

7. The attention of interested Consultants is particularly drawn to Article 117 of the ECOWAS Procurement Code (“Infringements by Candidates, Bidders and Awardees”), providing
information on corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or executing a contract. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this
assignment as per “Article 118 of the ECOWAS Procurement Code.
8. All submissions (1 Original + 3 Copies + one (1) USB drive including the electronic copy of the submission) should be delivered in a sealed envelope and deposited in the ECOWAS
Tender Box located in the Directorate of General Administration, Procurement Division, 1st Floor ECOWAS Commission, 101 Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, P. M. B. 401 Abuja Nigeria. and clearly marked:
‘’Invitation for Prequalification for the Selection of Health Management Organizations (HMOs) For ECOWAS Institutions Based in Abuja, Do Not Open, Except in Presence of
the ECOWAS OPENING COMMITTEE” on or before 8th November 2021 at 11.00am, Nigeria Time at the latest.

9. This invitation for Bids can be also consulted on:

Vafolay M. TULAY
Commissioner, General Administration & Conference

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