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Selection of a consultant (firm) to conduct the ECOWAS community institutions and specialized agencies staff skills audit

PERIOD OF ADVERTISEMENT:     03 Mai 2019 – To: 03 Juin 2019 CLIENT:                                                                     ECOWAS COMMISSION SOURCE OF FUNDING:                                        ECOWAS Budget TYPE:                                                                        Expressions of Interest REOI_Staff Audit Skills-April 2019-VERSION SITE ECOWAS PROCUREMENT Selection of a consultant (firm) to conduct the … Continue reading

Selection of a consultant (firm) for the post implementation review of the SAP system implementation in ECOWAS

PERIOD OF ADVERTISEMENT:                          03rd May  2019 – To: 03rd June 2019 CLIENT:                                                                     ECOWAS COMMISSION SOURCE OF FUNDING:                                        ECOWAS Budget TYPE:                                                                        Expressions of Interest FINAL EOI_Post Evaluation Review-Feb 2019 Selection of a consultant (firm) for the post implementation review … Continue reading

Recruitment of one (01) individual consultant to develop a directive for the harmonization of regulations on sustainable management of healthcare waste in west Africa

WEST AFRICAN HEALTH ORGANISATION (WAHO) ****** CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST  (Individual Consulting Service) Reference No FM/TEND/AMI/2019/011/bk   Recruitment of one (01) individual consultant to develop a Directive for the harmonization of regulations on sustainable management of healthcare waste in west … Continue reading