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Terms of reference for a study on the coverage, effects and impacts of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) and mass treatment campaigns for neglected tropical diseases (MT/NTD) in the health districts covered by the malaria and neglected tropical diseases (Sm/Ntd) project in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger

 WEST AFRICAN HEALTH ORGANISATION (WAHO) ****** Sahel Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Project (SM/NTD) ****** CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Reference: N°FM/TEND/AMI/WORLD BANK PROJECTS/2018/014/bk FOR THE SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS              (here to download AMI N°14 – Effets et impacts des CPS_ENG) … Continue reading

Selection of a Recruitment Firm to provide Recruitment Services to the ECOWAS Commission

PERIOD OF ADVERTISEMENT:                          04 February 2019 – To: 06 March 2019 CLIENT:                                                                     ECOWAS COMMISSION SOURCE OF FUNDING:                                        ECOWAS Budget TYPE:                                                                        Expressions of Interest   Selection of a Recruitment Firm to provide Recruitment Services to the ECOWAS Commission The … Continue reading