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Notice to All Bidders on the Deadline for Submission for the Supply and Delivery as Well as, Installation and Testing Where Applicable of it Equipment and Software for the Establishment of a Digital Forensic Laboratory in Liberia

Date : 08 Dec 2021
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria

Notice to All Bidders on the Deadline for Submission.


The ECOWAS Commission refers to its Invitation to Bid on the SUPPLY AND DELIVERY AS WELL AS, INSTALLATION AND TESTING WHERE APPLICABLE OF IT EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DIGITAL FORENSIC LABOURATORY IN LIBERIA, and wishes to inform the General Public and particularly the bidders that submission Deadline for this Tenders is now Rescheduled/Extended as follows:

1, New Closing Date/Deadline is Monday, January 31, 2022

  1. 2. That there will be NO public opening of the above Bids due to the COVID -19 related Instructions on public gathering in the ECOWAS Commission. A virtual opening session will hold on a date to be communicated to later.

All other conditions of the bidding process/documents remain unchanged.


This extension is necessary to give more time to bidders to meet up with all requirements.




Thank you


ECOWAS Commission Management


December 07, 2021


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