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Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design Studies of the Jendema-BoWaterside Joint Border Post (JBP) Between Liberia and Sierra Leone

Date : 22 Jun 2021 - 30 Aug 2021
Venue : Abuja, Nigeria,
Town : Abuja
Country : Nigeria


Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design Studies of the Jendema-Bo-Waterside Joint Border Post (JBP) Between Liberia and Sierra Leone

1. The Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS) Commission, as part of the Regional Joint Border Post Development Program intends to undertake Consultancy

Services for the Design of a Joint Border Post at the Jendema-Bo-Waterside, a border between the Republic of Liberia and Republic of Sierra Leone. The Joint Border Posts (JBP) program is a community intervention aimed at facilitating border crossing formalities
and controls to reduce the cost and time spent at land borders between Member States by bringing together officials from neighboring countries to undertake simultaneous and joint
controls to expedite movement.

2. In 2008, the Commission and its Member States undertook a functionality study of several key land borders, that looked at the processes, procedures, information management and
flow, flow of traffic and people in current operations (identifying unavoidable and avoidable constraints) and those (procedures, processes and flows) that are anticipated for the improved border posts. The functionality study resulted in the development of architectural briefs which described the design options to be used as the bases for preparing customized detailed designs for each border.

3. The proposed/designed buildings (structural elements above ground level) as studied and proposed in the functionality study reports must be remodeled in accordance with investigations into the foundation elements since conditions between sites and even within sites vary. Geotechnical investigations will therefore have to be carried out at the project site (bearing capacity, etc.) to enable proper design of the respective foundations to suit the site
under consideration. For Civil Works (Road Alignment, Ground levels, Cross-Sections, Drainage, Sewers, Parking Lots, etc.) there is a need to carry out Topographic Surveys and other Engineering Surveys to allow for appropriate Engineering Designs of Geometric
Elements, Approach and internal Roads, Parking Lots, Drainage, etc.

A key consideration of this project will also be to provide social and economic activities/services for citizens of border communities as well as dependent stakeholders such informal traders, cross-border women traders, children, farmers, fishermen, etc. particular attention will therefore be paid to these provisions under the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment component of the Study.

The main objective of the services under this project shall be the preparation of architectural and civil, electrical and mechanical engineering designs and tender documents (including
drawings, specifications, priced and unpriced bill of quantities (BOQ)) for the construction of 2 a JBP. Furthermore, the services will involve the preparation of a general Lay-Out (Master
Plan), Conceptual Design and Detailed Engineering Design.
4. The Contract duration will be five (5) months and will cover the study, review and validation workshops by stakeholders as well as the submission of final designs with related reports.

5. The ECOWAS Commission invites eligible Consultants (consulting firms specialized in transport infrastructure engineering) to submit their expression of interest in providing these services. All interested eligible and qualified Consultants must provide information on their qualifications and experience, demonstrating that they are qualified to provide similar services.

The criteria for preparing the shortlist are:: (a) General Experience in Building/Road (Studies/Supervision) over the past 10 years (2009 – 2019); (b) Specific Experience in Studies and Design of Buildings (two or more at the same site) with inter connected roads and facilities during the past 10 years (2009 – 2019); (c) Similar experience in Building/road Projects in SubSahara African during the last 10 years (2009 – 2019); (d) Availability of appropriate skills staff in the areas required in a, b and c above. (List, Qualifications, and Experience); (e) IT Resources (Specialized Software) for the design studies, (f) Capacity to Produce Reports and all other Relevant Documents in both English and French.

NB: Each Reference (experience) will be summarized on a Project Sheet with all relevant Supporting Documents indicating the Contact Information of the Contracting Authorities or Client so as to facilitate verification of the information provided. For each
reference project, the consultants shall submit the Contracts (cover page with title and page with the signatures) OR Attestation of Good Performance OR Certificate of Completion.

6. Consultants may constitute Joint-Ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.

7. The Eligibility criteria, preparation of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the ECOWAS Procurement Code which is available on the ECOWAS
Commission’s Website at

8. Interested consultants can obtain further information at the e-mail addresses mentioned below during working hours: 9.00am – 4.00pm, Nigerian Time, (GMT + 1) Mondays through Fridays (except public holidays): with copy to;;;

9. Expression of Interest must be delivered in hard copies and in envelops (one (1) signed original plus three (3) copies) to the address below, not later than 30 August 2021, at 11.00 am (GMT + 1), Nigerian Time and must be clearly marked: “Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Design of Joint Border Post at Jendema-Bo-Waterside:
For delivery in person or by registered mail to:
Procurement Division, Directorate of General Administration,
1st Floor of the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters, Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, Abuja, NIGERIA.

Requests for further information or clarification shall be sent by e-mail:
Attention: Head of Procurement Division, ECOWAS Commission
Email: ; with copies to:

10.The working languages shall be English and French. The Expression of Interest will be submitted in English or French Languages.

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