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Consultancy service for au campaign on ending child marriage in Africa

Date : 26 Mar 2019 - 10 Apr 2019
Institution : African Union, Addis – Ababa
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Consultancy service for au campaign on ending child marriage in Africa

Procurement ref: AUC/DSA/C/020


The AU launched Campaign on Ending Child Marriage on May 29th, 2014 at the 4th Conference of Ministers of Social Development to tackle Child marriage and other harmful practices in Africa. In line with the aspirations of the Agenda 2063 and the SDGs, the objective of the Campaign was to accelerate the end to child marriage programs in Member States, by enhancing continental awareness on the effects of child marriage through a multi-sectoral approach that includes but not limited to donors, partners, country civil society, country Ministries, and faith based organizations. To achieve the ambitious SDG and Agenda 2063 objectives, progress will need to accelerate. For example, If the rate of decline seen over the past three decades is doubled, the total number of women who married as children would drop to approximately 570 million by 2030 and 450 million by 2050. We know such progress is possible since the rate of decline from 2000 is already faster than the average achieved over the past three decades. Sub-Saharan Africa presents the most extreme scenario. Even if the current pace of progress is maintained, it will not be fast enough to offset population growth. The number of women married as children will double by 2050, and the region will surpass South Asia in having the largest number of child brides from the current level. In this region, even doubling the current rate of decline would not be enough to reduce the number of child brides. Therefore, the Campaigns strategic approaches by the AU towards achieving the intended goals are:

A. Advocacy B. Monitoring and Evaluation C. Facilitation of technical assistance and Capacity building.


Child marriage is a harmful practice, which severely affects the rights of children and has devastating and long-term health, educational, psychological, and psychosocial effects. Child Marriage affects both boys and girls, but girls are disproportionately affected. Girls who are married as children are more likely to drop out of school, generate limited income, suffer all types of domestic violence and abuse, contract HIV/AIDS and other STDs, and exposed to extreme disability and consequently untimely death due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Children who are forced into child marriage are also more likely to have limited access and knowledge to basic quality education and health services, and inevitably are denied the opportunity to autonomously contribute productive human and social capital to their society. Worldwide, more than 700 million women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday; seventeen per cent of them, or 125 million, lives in Africa. More than one in three of them (over 40 million) entered into marriage or union before age 15. Child marriage remains widely spread in Africa, with almost 90% of African Member States having child marriage prevalence rates ranging from 1 to 30%. More than half of these Member States have prevalence rates which are beyond 20%. Child Marriages also differs across the continent based on wealth quantile and geographical location. African child brides are most likely found in rural areas and among the poorest segment of the population with girls from rural areas are twice as likely to become child brides as girls from urban areas. Similarly, girls from the poorest households are twice as likely to marry before age 18 as girls from the richest households.
While it is evident that the lives of children today are better in many respects than those of preceding generations, particularly girls still suffer significant deprivations and inequalities, many of which to date are caused by persistent gender discrimination faced by girls and women. The prevalence of child marriage has been slowly declining in Africa, but remains higher than the global average. The Northern region is showing fastest progress in reducing child marriage in Africa. If progress is accelerated, the prevalence of child marriage in Africa could be halved by 2050. While the global reduction in child marriage is to be celebrated, no region is on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goal target of eliminating this harmful practice by 2030.


Reporting to the Senior Campaign Officer, ECM. The Consultant will be responsible for supporting the ECM campaign in meeting its obligations, in general, and in particular will be responsible for data collection on child marriage, develop the strategy (2019-2023) of the campaign and prepare reports on the progress of countries who have launched the AU campaign.

a) The consultant shall prepare for a conference on sensitization and raising awareness on child marriage, FGM and other harmful practices and its harmful impact on the economy and society between the AU and one of the member states. Consultant will prepare concept note for the meeting, desk research, sending note verbals, invitations, memos and agenda.

b) The consultant shall make reports on the progress and the status of child marriage in the member states who have launched the campaign and to arrange for countries visits to monitor the progress of the country in ending child marriage. As Monitoring and Evaluation is part of the strategic approaches for the campaign.

c) The consultant shall produce a comprehensive report on all post launch country visits with a statistical data collection.

d) The consultant should create a mapping database of statistics on child marriage in all member states identify areas that requires Technical assistance and Capacity building.

e) The consultant shall develop a 5 years strategy document (2019-2023) for the AU campaign, review the challenges and provide recommendations for the way forward.

1. Sensitization and awareness raising Conference on Child Marriage and its harmful impact on the economy and society.
2. Develop 5 years Strategy Document (2019-2023) and recommendations for the way forward for AU campaign on Ending Child Marriage.
3. Statistical Report on Status and Progress of the country who have launched the AU campaign.
4. Comprehensive report on all country visits the campaign will undertake and data collection on child marriage.
5. Mapping Database for child marriage in member states.


The Consultant shall provide service over a period of six months starting from May 2019.


This is a fixed budget assignment. AU will provide a lump sum of 18,000 USD being professional fees for the duration of the assignment. This lump sum will cover the costs for the above-mentioned expert that will be mobilized for this assignment. The AU will cover the costs of travel and DSA for all agreed upon travel.

Payment will be made upon clearance of deliverables by the manager overseeing this assignment.

• 20% Upon preparation of concept note, note verbals, agenda, invitations to partners and participants for the upcoming conference on ending child marriage, FGM and other harmful practices.

• 20% upon the preparation of statistical reports on the status of countries who have launched the Ending Child Marriage campaign.

• 20% Upon preparing the database of statistics on child marriage in member states.

• 20% Upon preparing a comprehensive report on all country visits conducted by the consultant to monitor the progress.

• 20% Upon developing of the AU campaign 5 years strategic plan for (2019-2023) reviewing the challenges and recommendations for the way forward for AU campaign on Ending Child Marriage.

8. REQUIREMENTS (Education; Experience; Skills and competencies):

Applications are required to have advanced university degree in statistics or Social Studies, Economics, Human Rights.

Professional Work Experience
• Have worked before on child marriage/ child protection/ Social development in an international organization, government or NGO at least from 3- 5 years’ experience.
• The consultant should have experience with statistics, report writing, organizing workshops/conferences.
• Previous specific work experience particularly on social development related issues and also work experience in the AU, UN, NGO or other international organisations is desirable;
• Specific experience in managing extensive campaigns at national and regional level;
• Background knowledge of the AU and its organs is desirable;
• Ability to deliver quality product to deadlines

Relevant Skills and Competences Required

Functional Skills
• Excellent computer skills, in particular mastery of MS Office package applications;
• Knowledge and experience in rendering assistance in Project Management;
• Good analytical, research, writing and communication skills;
• Good organizational skills;

Personal Abilities
• Excellent planning and organizational skills;
• Team working skills
• Attention to detail and ability to work under tight deadlines
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a multi-cultural environment

9. Language Requirement:

Proficiency in one of the working languages of the African Union (both oral and written) is required. Proficiency in Arabic would be an advantage.

10. Evaluation and qualification criteria
For evaluation of the expressions of interest the following criteria will be applied:
a) General Education Qualification and Relevant Training (20 points);
b) Experience Related to the Assignment (40points);
c) Technical approach and methodology (40 points)

Interested Individual Consultants are requested to submit the following documents for AUC’s consideration as part of their proposal.
Technical Proposal on:
• CV of the Individual Consultant
• Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:00-13:00hrs and 14:00-17:00 hours Local Time.
Proposal must be delivered in a written form to the address below not later than 15:00 hours local time, on 10th April 2019.

African Union Commission,
Head of Procurement Travel and Store Division
Building C, Room 327
P.O. Box 3243, Roosevelt Street Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 7700 – Ext 4305
Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 0442; +251 11-551-0430
NB: The Title of the Assignment and Procurement reference number should be clearly indicated in the subject matter of the email.

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