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Call for Project Proposals Reviews for the selection of innovative projects on social nets food security in West Africa

Date : 28 Feb 2017 - 27 Mar 2017
Venue : Lomé, Togo,
Town : Lomé
Country : Togo

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), with financial support from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), launched through the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (ARAA) based in Lomé, a second Call for project Proposals for projects ‘innovative’ on social safety nets in West Africa. A total budget of US $ 2.2 million is made available to co-finance innovative projects. The minimum grant amount of the project is USD 100 000 and the maximum amount is USD 200 000 for projects with a single country, and USD 100 000 to 300 000 USD for regional projects covering two or more countries .

limits for receipt of proposals fixed 27 March 2017 12 am, time of Lome (UTC / GMT)

Bids received after the date and time indicated above will not be considered.

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