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ERCA Holds Virtual Capacity Building Session for the Members of its Consultative Competition Committee

The ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) has organised a virtual capacity building session for Members of its Consultative Competition Committee (CCC) from May 17 to 21, 2021. The session is aimed at developing the capacity of members of the Consultative Competition Committee.

The first  session of its kind since the commencement of ERCA’s  activities and derived from ERCA’s roles and responsibilities, as enshrined by the Supplementary Act A/SA.2/12/08 on the establishment, functions and operation of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority which provides that ERCA shall contribute to the training of the staff of national competition authorities with a view to supporting them, among others, in the management of investigations and competition-related information, establishment of  databases, undertaking advocacy in respect of competition and consumer-related issues.

Speaking at the opening, Mr. Tei Konzi, Commissioner of Trade, Customs and Free Movement of the ECOWAS Commission in his address encouraged Members of the CCC to take advantage of the training and wished that the participation of the facilitators in the session paves the way for collaboration between ERCA and their respective institutions not only in the context of sharing experiences and best practices, but also in the context of the various supports that could be benefit ERCA.

The Ag. Executive Director of ERCA, Dr. Siméon Koffi, the representative of the Directorate General of Competition of European Commission, Mr Philip Kessler, as well as the Chairperson of ECOWAS Consultative Competition Committee (CCC), Mrs. Bolade Adeyinka encouraged Members States’ National Competition Authorities to take advantage of the training to update their knowledge on international trade and competition enforcement.

The five days training will close on Friday, May 21, 2021

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