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ECOWAS to review regional ict strategy
 banner_ictThe Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is set to review its strategy on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in light of significant developments in the sector and to ensure the continued development and integration of its Member States at a regional workshop.The workshop to review the ECOWAS ICT strategy is scheduled to take place at the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria from Monday, 27th to Tuesday, 28th July, 2015. The main objective of the workshop is to share and assess the strategy with Member States and to provide an opportunity for contribution to the ECOWAS strategic direction for information and communications technology.The two-day workshop will feature participants from ICT related ministries and agencies from the 15 Member States as well as other stakeholders including regional groups and civil society organizations working in the area of Information and Communication Technology. It will also feature presentations by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Alliance for Affordable Internet on topics that will be of interest to the region.The ECOWAS Commissioner for Telecommunications & IT, Dr. Isaías Barreto da Rosa, the Representative of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of Senegal as well as the Representative of the Ministry of Communication Technology of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, will give welcome addresses and keynote speeches at the occasion.

The regional workshop is being organized by the ECOWAS Department of Telecommunication and Information Technologies that is committed to improve and facilitate the development of (ICT) services for all its citizens, its Member States and the region. The department has a cross cutting role across all departments and it serves as a catalyst in all sectors of integration for the ECOWAS Community.

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