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ECOWAS statement on the recent incident which occurred in Kanilai (Republic of the Gambia)
The Commission  of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has learnt with great concern, of the violent incident which occurred on the 2nd June 2017 involving some residence of Kanilai (119 km to the East of Banjul City) and the ECOWAS intervention force in The Gambia (ECOMIG). The incident apparently resulted in one fatality and five people wounded.

The Commission reaffirms its commitment to support the Gambian Government in ensuring the security and protection of all Gambians.  In this regard, it is noteworthy that the mandate of ECOMIG to support the Gambian Government stabilize the fragile security situation in the country, was extended for a year at the last  Summit of the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government which held in Monrovia on 4 June 2017.

Pending the findings of the investigation initiated by the Gambian authorities concerning the incident, the ECOWAS Commission calls for calm and restraint which will allow for national reconciliation and the entrenchment of sustainable peace in The Gambia.

The ECOWAS Commission strongly condemns all forms of violence, presents its condolences to the family of the victim and wishes those injured a swift and complete recovery.



Abuja, 6 June 2017

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