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ECOWAS re-affirms Commitment to Implement Regional Action Plan on Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crimes and Drug Abuse in West Africa
Abuja, 25th, April 2016


ECOWAS Member States at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem on the 19th April, 2016 in New York re-affirmed their commitment to the implementation of the ECOWAS Political Declaration and Regional Action Plan to address illicit drug trafficking, organized crimes and drug abuse in West Africa, and highlighted their efforts in the areas of drug prevention and treatment while calling for strengthened international cooperation. They also aligned themselves to the statements made on behalf of the African Union States and the African States by South Africa and Sudan respectively.

The UN Member States   adopted an outcome document titled “Our Joint Commitment to Effectively Addressing and Countering the World Drug Problem” at the opening of the Thirtieth special session.

The ECOWAS Commission’s delegation was led by Ambassador TANOUKONE Léon, Permanent Representative of ECOWAS to the United Nations, including Dr. SintikiTarfaUgbe, Director, Gender, Youth and Drug Control and other staff of the Drug Unit  participated in the general debate to review progress in the implementation of the Political Declaration and the Plan of Action, including on assessment of the achievements and challenges in countering the world drug problem, within the framework of the three International Drug Control Conventions and other relevant United Nations instruments.

UN Member states at the session commended the Commission for Narcotic Drugs (CND) for the comprehensive and inclusive process undertaken to produce the UNGASS outcome document. In addition, the UN Member states welcomed the adoption of the outcome document and reiterated their commitment to implement the measures elaborated based on effective balance between supply and demand reduction, and to address the key causes and consequences of the world drug problem, including those in the health, social, human rights, economic, justice and security fields, in line with the principles of common and shared responsibility.

ECOWAS delegation also participated in interactive, multi-stakeholder round table discussions and used the opportunity to engage partners to explore areas of cooperation. The outcome document adopted will be used by ECOWAS Commission to strengthen actions with Member states and will be integrated into the Draft ECOWAS 2016 – 2020 Drug Action Plan to be validated and adopted in third quarter of 2016.

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