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ECOWAS organizes sixteenth (16th) steering committee and experts meetings on abidjan-lagos corridor highway development project

Abuja, May 30, 2022 – ECOWAS has organized the sixteenth steeering committee and experts meeting on Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project. The 3-day event which holds in Abuja, Nigeria will start with the Experts’ Meeting taking place from 1st-2nd June 2022 and close with the Steering Committee Meeting on 3rd June 2022. The fifteenth (15th) Steering Committee and Experts’ Meeting had earlier took place in Cotonou, Republic of Benin from 12th-22nd October 2021 where the revised Feasibility and Preliminary Design Study reports for the Highway Development Project were reviewed and the start of the Detailed Engineering Design phase was agreed.

The objectives of the Sixteenth (16th) Steering Committee and Experts’ Meeting are to review the progress of the various components of the project, monitor the implementation of the recommendations of the 15th meeting of COPIL and Experts, present and discuss the proposal of Cote D’Ivoire on the change of Corridor Alignment and inform participants about the choice of different countries regarding the toll system and decide which system to apply among others.


At the end of the meetings, it is expected that the choice of the page system, the consultant claims handling approach and level of compensation, and the new study completion schedule will be validated. Also, the progress report to be presented to Honourable Ministers of the region on the status, challenges and recommendations on key project issues will be prepared and agreed.


Participants expected at the workshop include staff of the ECOWAS Commission, Representatives of Member States, Development Partners and SOFRECO/KHATIB.

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