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ECOWAS Member States consolidate common views towards the World Radiocommunications Conference 2023 (WRC-23)

April 22, 2022. Experts in charge of radio frequency management and administration in ECOWAS Member States gathered in Praia, Cabo Verde, from 17th to 19th May 2022 to consider and adopt common preliminary views on the agenda items of the 2023 edition of the World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC). The meeting, which was the Third (3rd) Preparatory Meeting of the ECOWAS Region for WRC-23, was hosted by the Multisectoral Agency for the Regulation of the Economy of Cabo Verde (ARME) and was attended by experts from Member States’ Ministries in charge of Telecommunications/ICT/Digitalisation, National Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), Specialised Agencies in charge of Radio Frequency Management, Media Broadcasting, Civil Aviation and Defense Institutions.

In his address to the meeting, Dr. Joao Gomes, Administrator at ARME stressed the importance of radio frequency management in the delivery of services such as radio and TV broadcasting, GPS and mobile telephony. He remarked that whiles developed countries have access to varied technologies for access to broadband, for most African users, mobile broadband based on radiocommunications is the only way to access the Internet. He mentioned that effective management is important to ensure that spectrum is made available for exploitation by networks in order to achieve digital inclusion. In that regard, Cabo Verde, through ARME has been working to monitor and adopt technological innovations and improve the country’s technical capabilities in radio spectrum management. He also mentioned the adoption of the Space Policy which aims to ensure the use of space resources, products and technologies as a factor of competitiveness, differentiation and development of Cabo Verde. In concluding his remarks, he encouraged ECOWAS Member States to take advantage of the strength in unity and work together as a region to reach consensus that provides socio-economic benefits for ECOWAS in particular, and Africa in general.


His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Samuel Odartey Lamptey, the Resident Representative of ECOWAS to the Republic of Cabo Verde on behalf of the ECOWAS Commission, , conveyed his gratitude to the Republic of Cabo Verde for hosting the meeting. He recalled the objectives of ECOWAS in the area of Telecommunications/ICT as provided in the ECOWAS Treaty and relevant Supplementary Acts on Radiofrequency Management and stated that the Commission’s coordination of Member States’ preparations towards the WRCs, as well as other activities in the radiocommunications sector is within the framework of the aforementioned legal texts. He highlighted the importance of ICT in development and the need to promote universal access to ICTs within the region, as well as the importance of spectrum administration in meeting these goals. He appealed to the meeting to keep in mind the developmental needs of the region when formulating the ECOWAS Common Positions for WRC-23, whiles building on the outcomes of the previous preparatory meetings.


The Secretary of State of Digital Economy of Cabo Verde, Dr Pedro Lopes in his opening remarks noted that one of the most important issues on the WRC-23 agenda is the provision of additional spectrum for mobile communications and its coexistence with other radio communications services. He confirmed the commitment of Cabo Verde to the current preparatory cycle towards the Conference. He encouraged the meeting to have a healthy exchange of views which will contribute to the consolidation of consensual, balanced and defensible sub-regional positions at the ECOWAS, African Telecommunications Union (ATU) and International Telecommunications Union (ITU) levels and declared the meeting open.


By the end of the meeting, sixty-four (64) input contributions were presented by Member States and other ICT industry practitioners such as the Global Satellite Operators Association, GSM Association, Global Suppliers Association, and the African Union of Broadcasters. The ECOWAS Preliminary views were compiled for each of the agenda item discussed and these views will be submitted as ECOWAS’ inputs to the working group meetings of the ATU. The meeting also resolved to create task groups to consider and report on the feasibility of developing a Regulatory Sandbox Framework for the ECOWAS Region and an ECOWAS Regional framework for free circulation of Earth Stations in Motion (ESIM) communicating with Non Geostationary Orbit (NGSO) satellite networks in the Ku Band. Member States were also reminded to support and promote increased participation of females in radiocommunication activities in accordance with the Declaration on Promoting Gender Equality, Equity and Parity in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector which was adopted at WRC-19.


About World Radiocommunications Conferences


World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) are organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) every three to four years to review, and, if necessary, revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary and non-geostationary-satellite orbits.


Preparatory meetings are organised by ECOWAS with a view towards the formulation of the ECOWAS Common Positions (ECOCOP) on WRC agenda items, which reflect the interests of the region. The agreed ECOCOPs are considered in the preparation of the African common positions to be presented at the WRC.

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