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ECOWAS Holds Annual Wrestling Tournament in Dosso-Niger.
5th May 2016, Dosso-Niger

traditional wrestlers 2

The 10th edition of the ECOWAS Tournoi de Lutte Africaine de la Communauté (TOLAC) is scheduled to kick off on the 5th of May 2016 in Dosso, Niger.

The three day annual wrestling tournament which is an initiative of the ECOWAS Youth and Development Centre (EYSDC) is geared towards the realization of the Commissions’ vision, which aims to move ECOWAS from a community of states to a community of people by promoting peace, unity and social integration in the region through traditional sports.

The Tournament is being organized with the support of Niger Republic’s Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and will feature wrestlers from 11 ECOWAS Member States. There would be five contestants from each country competing in categories ranging from the 66kg-120kg.

The last edition of TOLAC which was won by Senegal took place in 2013 in Niamey, Niger Republic. The tournament could not take place in 2014 due to the EBOLA outbreak in some of ECOWAS Member States. This year’s TOLAC promises to be interesting with wrestlers arriving Dosso in high spirit.

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