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ECOWAS high-level ministerial mission to the republic of Guinea Bissau


  1. In furtherance to the decision of the ECOWAS Authority taken at its 50th Ordinary Summit on 17 December, 2016 held in Abuja, which urged all stakeholders of Guinea Bissau to strictly respect and comply with the provisions of the October 14, 2016 Conakry Agreement, and in particular compliance with paragraphe 8 of the Accord, a Ministerial Mission was in Guinea Bissau from 23 to 24 April, 2017 with the objective of assessing and evaluating the status of the implementation of the Agreement.
  2. The High-Level delegation, which was led by Madam Marjon V. Kamara, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Liberia and Chairperson of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers, comprised Mr. Naby Youssouf Kiridi Bangoura, Minister of State and Secretary General of the Presidency of Guinea; Dr. Samura M. W. Kamara, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Sierra Leone; Mr. Marcel A. de Souza, President of the ECOWAS Commission and Ambassador Mamadou Deme, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Senegalese Diaspora of the Republic of Senegal, Mr Mankeur Ndiaye.
  3. The Delegation set out for Bissau on 23 April 2017 following consultations in Conakry with H.E. President Alpha Conde, President of the Republic of Guinea and ECOWAS Mediator on Guinea Bissau and the Chairperson of the Assembly of the Heads of State of the African Union.
  4. On arrival, the Delegation held consultations with the International Community, including the members of the Guinea-Bissau P5 (ECOWAS, African Union, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, European Union, and United Nations,) in order to receive their perspectives on the ongoing political situation.
  5. On 24 April, the Delegation held consultations with Civil Society organizations including traditional and religious leaders, including of women and youth groups. The Delegation also met and had consultations with key political actors including the President of the Republic, H.E. José Mário Vaz, the President of the People’s National Assembly, Honarable Cipriano Cassamá, the Prime Minister Mr. Umaro El Mokhtar Sissoco Embaló, the leadership of the PAIGC, the PRS, the UM, the PCD, the PND, and representatives of the group of 15 Dissident PAIGC Parliamentarians.
  6. The delegation took note of the briefings of the members of P5 and the deliberations with the civil society and the relevant political actors. The delegation, recalled the main decisions taken at the 50th Ordinary Summit of the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government in Abuja Nigeria on 17 December 2016, and further expressed grave concern on the inability of the political actors to implement the main provisions of the 14 October, 2016 Conakry Agreement.
  7. The delegation also reaffirmed the deep concern of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, and the International Community, over the protracted political and institutional crisis in Guinea Bissau as a result of the inability of political stakeholders to reach a lasting and consensual solution, leading to the current gridlock.
  8. The delegation takes note of the payment of several months of salary arrears and observes the worrying deteriorating socio-political and security situation in the country, including the dysfunctioning of key state institutions and its dire impact on the citizenry; the increased belligerent and incendiary political statements; the frequent civil demonstrations and the consequent rising tensions.
  • Taking note of the aforementioned, the Delegation:  
  1. Expresses its appreciation and commendation to the leadership of President Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, Chair of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government and President Alpha Condé, ECOWAS Mediator for their steadfastness and commitment to resolving the Guinea Bissau political crisis despite provocations by some of the parties to the ongoing impasse;
  2. Notes that the Conakry Agreement has not been implemented by signatories and relevant parties.
  3. Recalls the decision of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government at its Ordinary Summit of 17 December 2016 and entreats the immediate implementation of all the decisions in line with the letter and spirit of the Conakry Agreement endorsed by the African Union and the United Nations;
  4. Strongly requests the immediate cessation of all bellicose and incendiary pronouncements, identity incitements and the clampdown on peaceful demonstrations and urge political actors to be circumspect in their public utterances and further refrain from the direct personality attacks on the institution and leadership of ECOWAS and the Mediator, the African Union and the UN, as well as attacks through the media;
  5. Appeals to all political actors to take all necessary and immediate steps to ensure the functioning of state institutions and, consequently, request the International Community and development partners to redeem their pledges and commitments to the country to ensure optimal functioning of these institutions in the interest of the population;
  6. Commends the armed forces for their continued non-interference in the ongoing political crisis and strongly urges the armed forces to maintain the same posture;
  7. Recalls the decision of the ECOWAS Authority to withdraw ECOMIB by 30 June 2017, starting from 28 April 2017 and urges the international community to give all necessary support to ensure full and seamless transition of security architecture to the national army. The decision to withdraw ECOMIB from Guinea-Bissau was officially communicated on 21 April 2017 to the President of the Republic by the Chairperson of the ECOWAS Authority, H.E. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
  8. Takes note of the readiness of the Government and the PAIGC to engage in direct dialogue to ensure the implementation of the Conakry Agreement and calls upon them to initiate such dialogue without delay;
  9. Recommends that, in the event of non-compliance or lack of concrete steps to implement these decisions within 30 days from this day, the Authority approve the imposition of relevant sanctions by all Member States and the international community on individuals, groups of individuals and entities who obstruct the smooth implementation of the Conakry Accord and their close collaborators with immediate effect;
  10. Recommends that the Authority remain seized with the situation in Guinea Bissau and instructs the President of the ECOWAS Commission to transmit these decisions to the AU Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Guinea Bissau for the attention of the AU and UN Headquarters for information and appropriate action.




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