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Ecowas convened sixth (6th) online meeting of regional partners/csos/non-state actors against gender-based violence/violence against children (ecw-rpwg-gbv/vac) working group

Abuja, July 20, 2022 – ECOWAS has organized the sixth virtual meeting of Regional Partners/CSOs/Non-State Actors Against Gender Based Violence/Violence Against Children (ECW-RPWG-GBV/VAC) Working Group from 19-20 July 2022. The two-day event featured Welcome Remarks from the ECOWAS Director of Humanitarian and Social Affairs, Dr. Sintiki Tarfa Ugbe, represented by Mr. Olatunde Olayemi- Program Officer, Social Dimension of Trafficking in Persons and an Opening Remarks by Mr. Sam Victor Makwe who represented the Nigeria Permanent Representative to the ECOWAS, Ambassador Musa Sani Nuhu.

The Working Group established in October, 2020 has the objective to use ECOWAS’ covening mandate to galvanize immediate action across the region towards eradicating Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC) and ensuring that every child and woman are protected now and in the immediate future. The Group had earlier in December 2021 had its fifth meeting where far-reaching decisions were made including the formation of the Committees to develop a Template for ‘Spot Lighting’ Member States on GBV/VAC planned by the Working Group for 2022, finalize the draft ‘Operating Procedures’ for the Working Group, and exploration of the possibility of engaging of a Consultant to man the Secretariat of the Working Group and another expert to be embedded in the Human Security and Civil Society Division of the ECOWAS Directorate of Humanitarian and Social Affairs, to work in the area of Civil Society Engagement.


At the end of the sixth meeting, some important outcomes included holding a hybrid meeting of the Group later in the year and request to members for their inputs towards the finalization of the Draft Template for ‘spotlighting’ Member States and the Operating Procedures for the Working Group.


Participants that attended the Online event include Staff of the ECOWAS Commission & Other Specialized Agencies, Office of the Nigerian Permanent Representative to the ECOWAS, United Nations Partners, International NGOs in the region, Regional and National CSO Networks and members of the Private Sector.

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