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ECOWAS Commission Wants Effective Involvement of Stakeholders in the Implementation of Climate Change Decisions

The ECOWAS Commission is desirous of having a strong participation of stakeholders in the implementation of climate change decisions especially the Paris Agreement

To this end, the Commission through its Environment Directorate organised a capacity building workshop on climate change for West African Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Media and the Private Sector between the 13th and 15th of July 2016 in Abuja.

Welcoming participants while opening the workshop, Mr. Tchambakou Ayassor Commissioner of Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources of the ECOWAS Commission who was represented by Dr. Johnson Boanuh, the Director of Environment said that global scientific data on greenhouse gases still point to the main emitting sectors as energy, industry, forestry, agriculture and transport among others.

He added that the consequences of these changes are multifaceted and translate into droughts, Floods, recurrently affecting our populations, living environment, and place a risk on our capabilities of production and all efforts undertaken towards development at the regional level.


The Commissioner urged the stakeholders to use the opportunity of the workshop to reinforce the various actions conducted in the region to combat adverse effects of climate change with emphasis on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the climate funds made available at the global level. He also expressed his gratitude to the Swedish government for continuous support to the region and ECOWAS as an organization.

The meeting had focused on the analysis and understanding of the Paris Agreement on climate change adopted during the last Conference of Parties 21 (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in December 2015 in Paris, having also identified the opportunities provided by the Agreement and the roles to be played by stakeholders in its implementation.

The workshop also dealt extensively on climate major issues and challenges including llinkages with the sectors of economic development, international negotiations on climate change up to the Paris Agreement (and lessons learnt), legal aspects and implications of the Agreement on climate change as well as funding opportunities from the Climate Funds and the Green Climate Fund.


The presentations and interactive sessions helped the participants to deepen their understanding of the challenges of climate change including the outcomes and implications of the Paris Agreement while the group work and exercises were handy in identifying regional and national contributions and possible actions to be taken by participating stakeholders in the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change in West Africa.

Participants expressed the desire to further disseminate the knowledge gained among their partners and networks for wider involvement in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the common fight against climate change effects in West Africa.

The workshop was attended by representatives of West African CSOs, and media practitioners. There were also high level representations from the private sector which included the Executive Secretary of the Federation of Employers’ Organisations of West Africa as well as the President of the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

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